Why, it’s Black Friday ! We sometimes get asked if we have any special Black Friday deals – to which the answer is no, we don’t as such. However, this seems like a good time to post a reminder about the ongoing Christmas Sale, which has been up and running for the past week and still has over three weeks to go. You can save 15% off all of our models including Aeronef, Spaceships, Celtos, Hammer’s Slammers, 6mm and 15mm sci-fi vehicles, Squadron Commander, Small Scale Scenery and the rest. We don’t restrict our sale to just one day…

For more details, see the website.

This is also as good a time as any for a status update; the sale response has been very good so far this year, so much so that I must admit I am struggling to keep up. Over the three days of the weekend we took as much in orders as I’d expect in a fortnight any other time of the year. I’m currently working flat out and, although I haven’t caught up much, the good news is that the backlog is at least fairly static and not getting any bigger ! By the end of today I expect to have cleared everything from the weekend and be making inroads into the orders placed on Monday and Tuesday.