An update on what we have been doing recently.
We have gone through all of our models and improved the track detail on models with tracks.
All of our models are now of a similar standard.
(12mm models and larger have been changed).

The reason for this change is the increase in popularity of resin models. When printed in PLA the changes to the tracks will generally only be visible on the upper surfaces of the models,
however when printed in resin the changes are a big improvement all round.
Don't worry if you have ordered recently, we have already introduced the changed designs and have been printing them for a while, the eagle eyed may even have noticed pictures on the website.

These changes have taken quite a lot of time recently, so this is why we haven't released any new models for a few weeks.
The behind the scenes work on these changes will probably continue for another 2 weeks and then when we should be able to get back to designing new models.