Here is an announcement I made on a few sites:

"After 6 years of fighting the system, it seems likely that my daughter will be able to go to a specialist school that can cater to her needs.
That means that after 12 years of not being able to get a regular job as I have to be on hand for her 24/7 I may now be able to get at least minimum wage.

A regular 9-5 with paid leave, sick pay and all that jazz, sounds like heaven!!
IF we can get her a place at a specialist provision that means I won't need to run Crom's Anvil, as such it will go up for sale."

Now, the placement for my daughter has not been agreed but I am sufficiently hopeful that it will be, as such 
Mark of CP Models has now bought the range and is hoping to have it live early 2022.

Many thanks to everyone that has supported me and Mark already has plans brewing for moar heroic adventure!!

(I am keeping Burning Sands though.)