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  • #199844
    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    You are both right on most parts.

    So be it.

    Right a village name.
    Research time..

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks


    Updated my site a bit.


    Avatar photo6mmwargaming

    Agreed I think the painting wasn’t up to the same quality as the build and the photograpghy didnt help.

    That is a great build.
    Yet, something about the original speaks to me more?

    I will have another look later.

    Until then, my take on the Townscape Cottage:

    Great work, it tempted to build all these as well!

    My 6mm Wargaming site https://6mm.wargaming.info

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Do it!!!

    Or at least one to see how it feels?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    My wizard/priest was a converted flegler.
    But I have bought 4 fleglers which is one short for a unit.
    So the wizard has returned to being a flegler in order for me to have a unit of them.

    Meaning the spot of wizard was up for grabs, as such we now have a new wizard.
    Fraulein Pfiezel.

    A new wizard of course means new spells, as in WFB 3rd edition spells are rolled randomly.
    This time I went more Elemental than Battle Magic.

    I also took the opportunity to prettify my spell cards:

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I am pondering what scatter and or small items of scenery to make.

    I have my cottage, some fields, hedges, fences and barricades.
    I have a wayside shrine, trees, and some roads.
    Clearly I need a stepped hill.

    I will also make more buildings.

    But what else that adds oldhammery old world vibes should I make?

    A gibbet?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Finally got around to making a base for my trees. It is/was tricky trying to get a balance between pretty and playable.
    I also finished the fences and made a crop field too.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    hmmm those photos are a bit rubbish, these any better?

    Avatar photoWouter Wolput

    Looks fantastic, very realistic IMHO.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    What kind of psychopaths start their harvesting from the middle and go tri-lobbed?!?!  Really does look good.  Trees bases are really effective too.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Thanks both.
    I suspect the field was trampled down and marched though by some enemies of the state more than unusual harvesting practices  .

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I suspect the field was trampled down and marched though by some enemies of the state more than unusual harvesting practices  .

    You say that, but I’ve seen the WFRP spell list, and a good blast of befuddlement can make normal sane peasants do all sorts of crazy things!  😉

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks


    But also maybe it was:

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I should be able to get it all done in about a year at 1 model per week.

    So 9 weeks in, have I painted 9 models?
    I have painted 2 and almost finished 2 more, just doing the basing.

    Well project BOYL 2025 has mutated.
    Instead of being 50 models for BOYL in 2025 it has become that, plus, 50 models for Samantha too.
    (Of which I have painted 5, so that almost makes the 9?)
    Plus it has become terrain.

    So 9 weeks in I have:

    Painted almost 9 models.
    Painted 4 lengths of fence.
    Made 6 lengths of hedge.
    Made a field.
    Made a tree terrain base.
    Re-flocked 6 trees.
    Painted 1 barricade.
    Scratchbuilt and painted a cottage.
    Primed 100 models.

    So all in all quite good, but not what I had planned…

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Slann would explain a lot…(or most probably explain nothing, but a good conspiracy is a good conspiracy)

    I would say that you have indeed painted 9 models, more even, just not 9 figures.  Hopefully you are not feeling down on yourself as your output has been excellent even though not what you planned.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks


    3 of my 5 Holzfaller finally done for my Warm Ale and Mud WFB 3rd edition game.


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Not in the mood for painting at the moment, but I forced myself to base up my walls from Fenris Games in readiness for painting.

    Also below is yesterdays painting progress on some scratch built / kitbashed barricades and on my 4th Holzfaller model.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Finished the walls.

    Onto men now.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Woop Woop finished the Holzfaller.

    Read all about them on my page:


    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Finished the walls.

    Jeremy Clarkson could use you down on his farm, that’s for sure.

    They look pretty darn good there, the walls and the minis.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    A local village, for local people. Dig too deeply below the surface and all sorts of perversions and taints may be laid bare.

    There’s nothing for YOU here!

    I certainly hope they aren’t laying their taints bare, though.  At least, not in public.  Maybe at home, between consenting adults… I mean, even Chaos has its limits.

    I, likewise, would like to see your own village!  Your stuff on KR-16 was so evocative I know you’d do a brilliant bit!

    I also see now I’m replying to way-old posts because my cache is clearly well out of date, so apologies for coming in so late in the process.  Nevertheless I love what you’re doing here, Mike!


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Thanks both, they most certainly did not burn him.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    “I also see now I’m replying to way-old posts because my cache is clearly well out of date, so apologies for coming in so late in the process.  Nevertheless I love what you’re doing here, Mike!”


    Ha Ha, no worries.



    “I, likewise, would like to see your own village! Your stuff on KR-16 was so evocative I know you’d do a brilliant bit!”

    Thanks, then I will.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Will more strangers come?!

    The ongoing Tilean campaign on the site here makes me think it can be done, and brilliantly! Always eager to see it, although you are brave to tackle these ludicrously large scales!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I think that is one of the key factors in the slowness of it all.
    Making a 6mm sci-fi settlement is easy, so easy I made several and made them available commercialy.
    Again 15mm desert fantasy, easy and enjoyable to world build and easy enough to create a large village/town.

    25mm is proving more costly in time, space and actual money.
    And I will never have a settlement as big as even my 15mm town, and even if I did, it would not be that much more detailed, I am pleased with what detail I could manage in teeny 6mm.
    But in 25mm the individual models that live in those places have more character and they will help breath more life into it.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Like all good WFB players, I have fences and hedges, but the best WFB players have fences in hedges, as was the GW way.

    So I made myself some fences in hedges, or Fedges as I like to call them.

    Not exciting, but always handy.

    Avatar photoKitfox

    Love them.  Any WIP shots of your fedges, what materials did you use?

    Death to all fanatics!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    No WIPs.

    The method I use is roughly.

    Cut some strips of Foamed PVC sheet (PA Light).
    To keep it easy, the strips are the width of my steel rule.
    Slightly round the corners and then taper/slope the edges.

    Apply some texture for mud/dirt.

    I like to then rip up some foliage sheets and hot glue it to the strips.
    This will sort of act as a support the proper stuff.

    foliage sheet:

    I then spray it all brown, the foliage sheets will show through a bit under the clump foliage, but as it is brown it kind of looks like the branches under the leaves.

    Paint the mud/dirt and then get out the PVA and stick on clumps of Woodland Scenics Clump-Foliage Light Green.

    Clump Foliage:

    Wait to dry.
    Then as it never looks chunky enough the first time, add some more of the clump foliage with more PVA.


    Once you are happy with the amount of foliage then apply with a dropper lots of PVA/washing up liquid/water mix.
    Drench the buggers with it.

    Wait for it to dry.

    Then do it again.

    Then wait for it to dry.

    Then spray it with some scenic cement for good measure.

    Scenic Glue Cement Spray:

    Then I go and matt varnish the dirt/mud.

    Then apply a selection of tufts and grasses and leaves.

    My core selection of tufts:

    Nothing especially difficult, just a bit tedious and slow.

    Here are some shots of the hedges old and new.

    This is hedges done in 3 separate batches.
    By keeping the same method and using the same stuff, no matter when I make them, they should all match/blend together nicely.

    If you look at the left side of this image you can see the brown foliage sheet showing through.
    It looks ok from a distance.


    Avatar photoKitfox

    Thanks Mike, really nice work.  I wish I had half of your patience and creativity.  I’ve never come across foliage sheets before, might have to give this a try some time.

    Death to all fanatics!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Thanks, I think with my stuff patience is what helps.
    I am not sure I am that creative, the foliage sheet thing was just born out of necessity and not having enough clump material.

    I am beavering away on my toll booth at the moment.
    So will post that up when done.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    WIP on the Toll Booth

    The bricks and tiles are done, I primed the roof then realised I had not added the mortar… Sigh.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Finished my Toll Booth.

    It sits on the north road from Heiligsheld, manned normally by 2 men from the Counts fortified manor.

    Read about it on my world building topic HERE

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I like it, has a bit of gravitas for something so small.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Thanks, it is growing on me, the fluff helps.

    Avatar photogreg954

    Love it, Nicely done is that. Doesn’t seem the best posting to have. But Spider and Heff seem content enough.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Thanks, no it is a bit tedious.
    Hence the poster and booze I suspect.

    Avatar photo6mmwargaming

    I like it and the little details bring it to life. I think a seat if some kind would be good for the soldiers to sit on outside the building

    My 6mm Wargaming site https://6mm.wargaming.info

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Thanks dude.

    I did make a stool, but I lost it somewhere/somehow and I could not be bothered to make another to replace it.


    Do I make a replacement, or with this being Stirland, and Heff and Spider liking a drink or three, did they burn it one especially cold shift?



    Avatar photoGeof Downton

    Yes, a replacement stool, another to go with it, and a board/card/whatever game set up on another barrel.

    One who puts on his armour should not boast like one who takes it off.
    Ahab, King of Israel; 1 Kings 20:11

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Yeah, I will add that to the list!


    Nothing quite says oldhammer like some bog brush trees, right?

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