Home Forums WWII 4 Newbies try Battlegroup 28mm

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  • #200636
    Avatar photoRoundie

    Hi, linked below are some photos and a quick write-up of our 1st 4-player 28mm crack at the Battlegroup rules. French (471pts) vs German (465pts). All in all, it went pretty well and I only managed to mess up a couple of rules (I think).

    The Battle of St Mary’s Square

    Avatar photowillz

    An excellent WW2 game, great eye candy and well a yarn well told, thanks for sharing.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    That is an absolutely lovely table.

    Avatar photoTony S

    A very well presented write up of a great looking game.  Admittedly I am rather fond of the look of French armour.  To see so many Somuas on the table, in 28mm no less…c’est magnifique!

    There have been dark mutterings lately among the club to get Battlegroup back on the table.  It’s been far too long, as I quite like the ruleset.  I’m literally in the middle of reading the Market Garden supplement as we speak!  The mini campaign seems eminently possible.

    Avatar photoRoundie

    Thank guys

    Still finding our way tactics-wise in regards to these rules but are enjoying the mechanics a lot.

    Tony, I like the look of those mini-campaigns as well and I’m currently reading through the one in the Barbarossa book

    Avatar photoTony S

    I’m currently reading through the one in the Barbarossa book

    Oooh!  That’s a decent, actual campaign with a map and movement rules.  The Market Garden is merely a ladder campaign of linked scenarios.  Still interesting, but nowhere as good as the Barbarossa one looks.

    Sadly, we’d need a lot more early Soviet stuff to pull that one off.  If you do manage to play it, I do hope you post your games!

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    Thank guys Still finding our way tactics-wise in regards to these rules but are enjoying the mechanics a lot. Tony, I like the look of those mini-campaigns as well and I’m currently reading through the one in the Barbarossa book


    Beautiful models, minis, building, terrain and a very engaging battle report! Thank you for posting this. Dare I ask what five S-35 Somuas in 28mm cost? Don’t answer that, I really don’t want to know! My wallet aches from supporting my 15mm lead addiction. 28mm would bankrupt me! However, I must agree with others here that French tanks look so good on a well appointed table. Bravo sir!

    So you’re thinking about diving into Operation Barbarossa? Well done! I hope, if you decide to follow through with that idea, that you report back to us here. Nothing stirs my gamer’s heart more than seeing waves of light and medium tanks chewing each other up in a tactical but bloody ballet of manoeuvre  and fire on lovely table-tops in an Eastern Front motif, while terrified infantry try to survive fighting onto and holding objectives. Attack and counterattack until one side breaks and the other triumphs.

    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.


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