Home Forums Medieval 6mm Babō-saku

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    Avatar photoUsagitsuki

    Further excursions into 3D printing. Paul at Sabotag3d.com has made me some ‘Babō-saku,’ literally ‘horse-proof fences,’ most famous for their use at Nagashino. I had previously made some of these by hand, using cotton for the ropes at each join. Paul had designed a 3D print that was better than what I could make myself in the time it took me to make 2 sections by hand. The potential for 3D printing at the smaller scales is huge IMO. Anyway, here are the fences both ‘raw’ and painted, based and pictured with some 3D printed figures. Each fence base is 60mm long, the individual sections are 30mm.

    Avatar photoMike

    They are very nice, did he remove the supports for you?

    Avatar photoUsagitsuki

    Not sure if the fences had supports. The stl file doesn’t have any. They arrived with me as in the first pic. The figures do have supports, and it’s a bit of a faff to cut them off, but they’re sooooo much better than metal figures.

    Avatar photoRobert Dunlop

    Thank you for posting. By the look of the fence, it wouldn’t have needed supports. Nicely sculpted.


    Avatar photoMike

    Thank you for posting. By the look of the fence, it wouldn’t have needed supports. Nicely sculpted.

    How would the floating horizontal bits print?

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Wow, those figs are amazing!  I’ve been debating about whom to go with for 6mm Sengoku and it looks like I have a new front contender.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoUsagitsuki

    I can’t say enough about how good these figures are. Paul printed them at a higher ratio on the x-y axes so they are a bit chunkier than they normally would be to fit my existing Baccus. The detail is incredible.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Great pic, thanks. The shots on the website actually make them look less detailed than Baccus, which might be the way the images were shot as well as them seeming to be “quick prints” without the sharp edges of a dialed-in print.  Not a fan of the WG cavalry, but I really do like the archers, peasants, tepo and yari troops.  Much more human proportions than most metal figs in 6mm.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoRobert Dunlop

    How would the floating horizontal bits print?

    Given the scale then the distances between the bindings on either side will be small enough to permit the bindings to act as the supports.


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