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    Avatar photoLes Hammond

    Using the same positions for the defence (covering all avenues of approach), this time the attackers concentrated on one point (mostly).

    Allied reinforcements happened to arrive very early and saved the day, however.

    2′ x 3′ table, ground scale 1.5″ = 100m, using my own rules, VainGlorious.

    Full AAR on my 1940 gaming blog.

    unit tracks

    6mm France 1940


    Avatar photoDeleted User

    Wow! Bad going for the Germans from the get go. That 2pdr looks to be the MVP.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Agreed, looks like they did yeoman work!  The Boys ATRs took a toll as well.  Guess the Jerrys will call for arty to soften up a little next time they assault!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photomadman

    I have a few questions about your rules set. I am just back into gaming after 25 years off and am looking for a set of WW2 rules I can sink my teeth into. At present Chain of Command cones the closest but like you I play in 6mm and much of the small detail (combat and positioning in buildings) fails at this size. I like the activation but as designed it is limited to platoon size actions, despite their insistence Big CoC solves that, it doesn’t.

    Do individuals have to be tracked for game purposes or just squads, teams etc.? No rolling for each trooper and recording individual loses?

    Do leaders have an effect? I take CoC as high, squad leader as medium and most as very little effect or not covered.

    Is there variable activations or all units act as the player wishes?

    You mention combat and effects are all in the same roll. I like this aspect of Conflict of Heroes but that system has other issues. Could you explain further with concrete example please? Say you roll XDY above Z value units take such and such result.

    Do vehicles use the same combat systems as infantry? Again a brief explanation would help.

    Sorry for being nosy but your system is unknown. There is no web presence to see how the details work. I am also not one to buy every set out there only to be disappointed and park them on a shelf. WWII is my main area of interest and I have been looking for a set of rules since getting back into gaming three years ago. The best I have found (in order) is Chain of Command which is excellent but not suitable for 6mm, Conflict of Heroes which is great but my primary opponent has a hard time with some of the concepts plus it is limited in its coverage of the period. I was thinking ASL was going to be the “go to” system especially wrt scale but it is too much, rules you must know, stuff you must buy and primarily charts and tables, endless tables.

    Thank you in advance.

    Avatar photoMartinR

    If you want larger scale games and like CoC, then try I Ain’t Been Shot Mum, also by TFL. Works fine in 6mm.

    "Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" - Helmuth von Moltke

    Avatar photoAndrew Rolph

    …or Squad Leader, rather than ASL. Copies can be had in eBay for £10-15 and it’s complete as is, with options to tweak it down to a simpler game, if required.

    I always found IABSM a distinctly different flavour from CoC, despite the same design team. I think the mechanics which are shared are peripheral and the distinct ones provide a very different experience with the two sets.



    Avatar photomadman

    If you want larger scale games and like CoC, then try I Ain’t Been Shot Mum, also by TFL. Works fine in 6mm.

    I have a copy of an older version of IABSM. It lost me fast when it stated I needed dice, a card deck and averaging dice (?) just for the activation sequence. I know what averaging dice are but no hobby shops around here do.

    Avatar photomadman

    …or Squad Leader, rather than ASL. Copies can be had in eBay for £10-15 and it’s complete as is, with options to tweak it down to a simpler game, if required.

    I always found IABSM a distinctly different flavour from CoC, despite the same design team. I think the mechanics which are shared are peripheral and the distinct ones provide a very different experience with the two sets.



    After a disappointing try with ASL I went back to SL. Have all of it as well. Same issues, just a little less. I find I really don’t like having to look everything up anymore. Better games out there with systems you can keep in your head instead of having to look up. While playing scenario 2 (or was it 3) we lost half an hour with what seemed like a simple rules question which was poorly covered and buried. That plus WHERE on the hex your building is for LOS and how to handle different levels when converting to micro armour (yes I have seen the pictures) lost me.

    But this is about Les’ game. Still looking for some direction and answers to my questions. Thank you.


    Avatar photoLes Hammond

    Do individuals have to be tracked for game purposes or just squads, teams etc.? No rolling for each trooper and recording individual loses? Do leaders have an effect?

    Riflemen are arranged in 4-man groups, infantry and support weapons are in teams. ‘Decent enough’ hits on groups or teams causes them to become combat ineffective and removed off the table (call it KIA if you prefer). There is no snatching up of weapons from KO’d teams. Like the rifle groups, officers & NCOs are also in their own groups, losses of either make it harder for the unit to pass morale tests (failing = lose a level, meaning units will less likely follow certain orders until rallied). Higher level HQ type COs confer morale & activation bonuses.

    Is there variable activations or all units act as the player wishes? You mention combat and effects are all in the same roll…Say you roll XDY above Z value units take such and such result. Do vehicles use the same combat systems as infantry?

    I use totally random individual activation, I personally don’t like player interference in the action but that’s just me.

    I use d% and so let’s say it’s a 40% chance to hit, a roll of 20 is right down the middle and uses the weapon average data as given in the chart. In the extremes, rolls of 01 (excellent) and 40 (poor) have effect bonuses and penalties plus graduations in between.

    I like this mechanic because if you roll a really good hit, that is passed on to the damage calculation without a separate roll. No idea if other rules use anything similar, I’ve only played Bruce Quarrie’s Airfix Wargaming Guide, Operation Warboard and WRG’s 1925-1950 and those were 35 years ago 

    Some YouTube clips here The Combat Run-Through one might be the most interesting for you

    Happy to answer any other questions 

    6mm France 1940


    Avatar photomadman

    Great. Thank you for the reply and I will watch the videos.

    Avatar photoLes Hammond

    Oops, sorry about that. Edited the poor hit roll to 40.

    6mm France 1940


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