Home Forums Modern 6mm Western Europe game on 2'x2' with Tankwreck! on blog

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    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    I have not played a modern game since 1981, and then only with small 6mm forces. I was recently reminded by Just Jack that I still had some British 6mm forces from that time. I acquired some Soviet opponents and played a solo game. It was to be on a 2’x2′ table that I usually use and the rules were TankWreck!, scaling inches to centimetres. I had a good time and the the rules worked great. A full writeup on my blog:


    Here is a photo of the Soviets assaulting the village:

    Avatar photoRules Junkie Jim

    Interesting… especially playing on a 2 foot square table with 6mm minis. I like Tankwreck, as you say it works fine with smaller forces. I’ve been playing recently with 3mm stuff and converting inches to cm, but was contemplating using my 6mm the same way, just because, much as I love 3mm, I prefer 6mm.

    Looking forward to reading your next report.

    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    Thanks,  I have played a few WW2 games on a 2’x2′ table over the last few years.  All with rules for larger tables and converting inches to cm.  I have been tempted by 2mm and 3mm instead of 6mm but I am finding it hard to differentiate 6mm infantry as it is now, I think 3mm would now be a stretch.  I was not sure if TankWreck would work with small forces  from reading it seemed it would and it does perfectly.

    Avatar photoNorm S

    Thanks Shaun, TankWreck are unknown to me, but they sound just right to have some fun with a period that is not ones primary period – especially one that has the potential to have complicated rules, which moderns surely do.


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Nice looking game.

    Avatar photoCount Belisarius

    Are TankWreck still available?

    Nice report. Look forward to more.



    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    TankWreck rules are still available. The publisher sells them via eBay. Just do a search for ‘tankwreck’ and they show up.

    Avatar photoCount Belisarius

    Cheers. Come pay day I may give them a punt.

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