Home Forums Horse and Musket Napoleonic A little 1807 game

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    Avatar photoOotKust

    Poland 1807

    Like several here I decided to do a little escapade on a ‘what if’ scenario. So we had a resurgent Austria, in an attempt to sway Napoleons opinion on their political situation- by flexing it’s muscles in a show of force advancing onto Bennigsens left wing, and forcing Essen ever further away from the borders.

    I’d like to say it was a momentous occasion, yet it was an outing in frustration!

    Pleasant Summer weather on a plain although a little swampy in parts near a stream (we are North of the Narew by now), and advancing Austrian corps (rhs) finds part of Essens corps sitting astride a major lateral road and the Post House.

    Sadly I didnt actually photograph close ups of the Austrians, all my troops btw, and progressively too fewer as I painted myself (the Russian underdog) into a corner and couldnt manoeuvre!

    Supported by a Company-Battery of heavy 12 pounders and 1/2 pud unicorns, and a half 6 pounder horse battery; plus Cossacks, a few infantry stood in the way of the Austrians.

    Both right wings advanced-

    with light troops to the fore. However in this case the swamp and brush caused a hide and seek affair that the Cossacks could not overcome easily, finding no flanks to assault.

    The jaeger that advanced to the woods found some Cossacks (one sotnia)  lurking there, who charged them immediately and made them recoil. That was the sole point of the day really, except ‘Effective and long range’ artillery fire* by both sides.
    * Despite taking part in pre-publication rule testing of them, I’m unsure why ‘Effective range’ commands a minus 1 for use. Seems counter-intuitive now, which I think under ‘House Rules’ we will drop.

    Used ‘Shadow of the Eagles’ rules from Keith (keef) Flint, published by Caliver.

    It had been a long time since playing the rules and as it happens an even longer day on a stressful weekend, so rather than move to the main action we deferred to the malaise of a cold Winter day and headed home.
    cheers d

    PS- The reason for having the game was to see a my 1813 Allied army on table (Hinchliffe 1970s stuff)  AND to reacquaint with the rules before an Anniversary multi-player club game coming on the 16th.

    Swinging from left to right no matter where the hobby goes!

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    Great looking game!

    Avatar photoWhirlwind

    Very nice set-up!

    Avatar photoOotKust

    Thanks guys!


    Swinging from left to right no matter where the hobby goes!

    Avatar photoMark O

    Looks great! 🙂

    My Napoleonics Blog: https://chasseuracheval.blogspot.com/
    My Other Hordes Blog: https://hordesofthings.blogspot.com/

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