Home Forums Terrain and Scenery A very cheap sea mat

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    Avatar photoSteve Burt

    I’ve been considering getting a sea mat for ages, but while I’m happy to fork out 50 pounds or so for a nicely printed mat with fields or other terrain, it seems a lot for sea, especially as the boards my table is made from are painted with a sea pattern. Then I came across this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/293255992237 (it’s available from a bunch of retailers)
    It’s a (very) thin PVC printed tablecloth. 54″ wide, 108″ long with a water pattern on it.
    For 3 pounds, I thought it worth a punt.
    Arrived yesterday, and you know what, it looks pretty good. There are white strips on either long edge, so you get about 4 feet of width in practice. Just ordered another one which will give me an 8×8 sea area if required.
    Picture to show how it looks with a couple of ships; the straight line is a crease; the cloth is now rolled up and the creases should diminish.

    Avatar photowillz

    Cool, think I will buy one.


    Update I have bought one £3.49 including postage,

    Avatar photoGillies Sim

    Oooh I don’t really need one but I mean, I’ll regret it if later I come back and they’ve all gone right? Yeah totally. Well that’s me convinced.

    Good Spot Sir, good spot.


    Avatar photoGillies Sim

    And it appears they are out of stock. That didn’t take long.

    Time to wait and watch.


    Avatar photoGaz045

    Thanks for the tip……just ordered one of these on the basis of get it while I see it!


    "Even dry tree bark is not bitter to the hungry squirrel"

    Avatar photoSteve Burt

    A longer view of two of the tablecloths covering a 6 foot square table for a WW2 naval game. Just need to trim the white strip off the edge of one, and you can cover 9′ x 8′.

    Not bad for 6 quid

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