Home Forums Ancients Ancient Indian Army

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  • #193576
    Avatar photoAlbert of Winterpig

    The army of Vasanuda in all its glory.


    6mm Rapier Miniatures Ancient Indians. Painted in Citadel Contrast Paints and took 4 years!

    But now finished and I am moderately proud of them.


    Whole Army

    Avatar photoGeof Downton

    Fantastic! Four years seems fast to me, I’m not sure that my eyesight would be up to being quicker.

    One who puts on his armour should not boast like one who takes it off.
    Ahab, King of Israel; 1 Kings 20:11

    Avatar photoAlbert of Winterpig

    I did paint other things in between, but I wanted to enjoy the process rather than feeling it is a chore. They do look great now they are done.

    Avatar photoOotKust

    Looks great in that scale. DEpiction and numbers make it real!
    You do know that elephants arent light grey tho eh?

    Helluva lot better than some of the Nap forces Ive seen!

    cheers dave

    Swinging from left to right no matter where the hobby goes!

    Avatar photoAlbert of Winterpig

    like these, actually they are not as light grey as the photos make them look.elephants 1

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