Home Forums General General And you say that your eyes aren’t good enough to paint 6mm?

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    Avatar photoPeter Berry

    Lindy and I are delighted to be able to announce the first ever winner of the Baccus Golden Ticket draw.

    The prize for the month of may goes to Shaun Gregory.


    We are really happy that it’s gone to such a deserving winner.   We cannot do better than Shaun’s own words:

    ‘I hope I’ve done these little men justice… I have all scales because of my sight loss. Some days I can only do larger like 1/72 or 20mm and other times 6mm, 10mm etc. The method I use a lot whatever the figure scale is I hold it up to my left eye and paint like that. I have no distance vision but good very close. 


    I Served 22 years in the Regular Army, I lost my sight in 2008, when I was 38 years old. I had served 19 years at that point.

    The cause was the Gulf War 1991. I Served in the Royal Pioneer Corps and in the Royal Logistic Corps. I was always a Pioneer. I had two Corneal Transplants on my left eye. I have a different condition in each eye, my right is damaged by scar tissue and on the left a cataract.

    My attitude is that it’s not about what you can’t do anymore. It’s about what you can do. I paint my Ancients and fantasy figures, my eyes are always in pain. I love my hobby. 

    … It does take me a lot longer to complete my figures and models. I have to stop and rest my eyes. Then I’m back in my man shed and getting on with it.

    Shaun is an absolute inspiration to us all and a worthy recipient of the Golden Ticket. Next time someone tells you that their eyesight isn’t good enough to paint 6mm figures, just direct them to Shaun’s story.



    Avatar photoMike

    Fair play!

    the Baccus Golden Ticket draw.

    The who what?

    Avatar photoPeter Berry
    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Cheers to Shaun, both for his service and for his wonderful attitude!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photorobert ayling

    Congratulations Shaun! An inspiring post.

    Avatar photo6mmwargaming

    A very deserving winner

    My 6mm Wargaming site https://6mm.wargaming.info

    Avatar photomark leslie

    But did he get to meet Mr Wonka?

    Fossilizing nicely.

    Avatar photoMcKinstry

    Great story. Way to go Shaun and a lesson for anyone who thinks they can’t do something because it is hard.

    The tree of Life is self pruning.

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