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    Avatar photoOotKust

    I read somewhere that

    “However, a visit to the Austrian Army Museum web site (Heeresgeschichtliches Museum) has some fantastic examples of the actual uniforms and whilst allowing for artificial light, the colour to my mind has a beige tinge. Unbleached wool is a similar colour which got me thinking”.

    Umm, no they aren’t authentic.

    Yes I too was fooled. At least the French Musée Nationaux call out ‘reproductions’ in their static uniform displays [or they did so in 1984!].

    As confirmed by Dave Hollins some years ago, all the HKA models are in fact reproductions, completely, nothing ‘authentic’ at all [again timeline dependant…] of 19th but mostly 20thC devise I believe.

    So best be aware before visiting and taking in the sights. Not saying Vienna and te battlefields aren’t worth visiting, they certainly are- just don’t take for granted everything inside the old buildings are genuine.

    So pipeclay and caustic soaps may ‘clean’ a wool uniform, but certainly discolouration is a common effect that illustrators, and gamers since, hardly ever depict.

    http://IMG_4874_KK IR#38 Wurttemberg 3rd Bn by DaveW, on Flickr.

    Avatar photoMark O

    Very interesting, thanks!

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