Home Forums WWII Battleground ww2 ref sheets?

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  • #201571
    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Cheers, so I got a lead on a copy of Battleground WW2 second hand. The guy said its a big ole binder but he said he was not sure if it was supposed to come with any reference sheets.

    Is there a PDF reference sheet out there? A look online pointed to some long defunct Yahoo groups.

    Likewise, looking online it seems some sort of blast template may have been included. If you happen to have one sitting around I would be eternally grateful if you could check on the dimensions of it?

    Avatar photoRod Robertson

    quote=201571]Cheers, so I got a lead on a copy of Battleground WW2 second hand. The guy said its a big ole binder but he said he was not sure if it was supposed to come with any reference sheets. Is there a PDF reference sheet out there? A look online pointed to some long defunct Yahoo groups. Likewise, looking online it seems some sort of blast template may have been included. If you happen to have one sitting around I would be eternally grateful if you could check on the dimensions of it?[/quote]

    Hi there Ivan:

    So you’re interested in BGWWII? I hope you enjoy it. I have enjoyed it over the years but I also made many modifications to the rules to make them better reflective of my vision of how WWII skirmish and tactical combat should play out on the table.

    Vis a vis reference sheets, there are scads of those and not just in th basic rules but also in the many supplements of which I have quite a few. There are also blast templates and flame thrower templates which I can scan and send to you if you drop me a PM with an e-mail address.

    Cheers and good gaming and designing.

    Rod Robertson.

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