Home Forums Medieval Border Reivers 28mm

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    Avatar photoSane Max

    Hi, as a sort -of Reiver descendant* myself, I have always had a hankering for some of these, but for big battles they were always rather off my radar. I am playing more skirmish-sized games now though.

    who are the 28mm Manufacturers for this, and any recommendations?


    * not one of the Big Riding Surnames, but a name all the same.

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    I’ve been resisting this part of my background for years, (partly because we didn’t seem to have been very good at it – sheep stealers not cattle rustlers, and as  often victims as perpetrators).

    However I saw some of the D’Arlo figures at Colonel Bill’s stall back in January and bought some, made a  Bastle house but haven’t finished painting the figures yet. I really like them and would recommend them. I’ll take some photos despite the unfinished state and post them (he has photos on his site and he advertises here).

    There are other manufacturers: I resisted the Hoka Hey range (Timeline I think) for ages but they look okay. Foundry do some (or did some, I haven’t checked if they are still available).

    I was planning on just using the Osprey En Garde rules but I have a feeling I may expand to slightly larger skirmishes.

    Hope you enjoy it whatever you end using.

    Avatar photoPrince Rhys

    Perrys have a 40mm range of them.

    Avatar photoSane Max

    thanks, I suspect after this long pretty much everyone is descended from Reivers really. It’s the only slightly interesting thing about my side of the Family. (Wife’s side is great, related to Oliver Cromwell, the Petty that Mapped Ireland, several interesting murderers. Much more fun.)

    I will be using them for Lion Rampant, a game that is ideal for a small force of ‘those figures you could never justify purchasing but hey it’s only a few score I need’

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    As promised – just realised – no mounted figures! I was thinking quick foot skirmish so didn’t bother – D’Arlo do them though -I can see this expanding!



    Avatar photoSane Max

    I am liking the look of the Jim Bowen ones Monolith design sell

    I thought Jim Bowen was dead. I loved Bullseye me.

    Avatar photoRhoderic

    I am liking the look of the Jim Bowen ones Monolith design sell I thought Jim Bowen was dead. I loved Bullseye me.

    Jim Bowen the sculptor is also dead, as it happens.

    From what I understand, those Border Reivers he sculpted are very big (as are all the other figures of his that I’m aware of). Fortunately, some other Border Reiver figures out there are also on the big side, so compatible matches might still be found.

    Avatar photoSane Max

    From what I understand, those Border Reivers he sculpted are very big (as are all the other figures of his that I’m aware of). Fortunately, some other Border Reiver figures out there are also on the big side, so compatible matches might still be found.

    not an issue if I buy the whole lot from them – just 30 or so cavalry and half a gross of Infantry and I am done.

    Avatar photoCerdic

    There are a couple of other manufacturers of Border Reivers…


    I wasn’t aware of Colonel Bill’s D’Arlo range, just the Depot Battalion stuff, so that will have to be added!

    Avatar photoGuy Farrish

    That’s odd – the Monolith figures are the ones on Hoka Hey – but 6.50 for a set – for example the Armstrongs, vice £9.50 from Hoka Hey.

    The Armstrongs on Monolith

    The Armstrongs on Hoka Hey

    Am I missing something?

    Avatar photoPatrice

    I suppose you mean those of the late 16th century, in which case other ranges of miniatures for this period can probably do.

    Foundry’s “Seadogs and Swashbucklers” are suitable (at least the ones who have shoes) and are rather big also, I use them for skirmishes of the Wars of Religion in Brittany.

    And I specially like this noble young lady in male breeches with a hunting crossbow (sold by Bad Squiddo Games as a vampire hunter) I think she fits very well in this historical context.


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