Home Forums Ambush Alley Games Force on Force Breaching

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  • #184273
    Avatar photothomas poulsen

    How much firespower is needed for a weapon to be able to perform  a breaching attempt? You need at least 4 to be able to destroy a building but the rules dont say anything about breaching except that it needs to be a heavy weapon.

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    As it’s not stated go with the literal interpretation, Thomas, so a Heavy weapon with explosive effects, whatever it’s FP. As it says, walls are easier to breach than demolishing a building.
    It look as if most suitable Heavy explosive effect weapons listed are 3 or 4AP: eg SMAW 4AP,2AT(H); AT4 3AP,3AT(H).
    As the Building Strength is -1D when a breach attempt is made that may help a 3FP weapon such as the AT4 and if successful units within are hit with a +1FP to the weapon’s FP too.

    Avatar photothomas poulsen

    Roger. Would you let the building loose a dice for every failed attempt like when destroying

    Avatar photoPapasan

    It would make sense to me, provided you’re hitting the same spot.
    Whether that’s right or not I can’t say for sure but feels within the spirit of the rules and the intent of the game.

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