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  • #5424
    Avatar photoAltius

    These are some figures that I actually painted a year or two back, but I recently based them on larger unit bases. I like it, and I think this will be my standard basing scheme for my ancient units.

    You can see all the photos here

    Canaanite King

    Where there is fire, we will carry gasoline

    Avatar photoPiyan Glupak

    Very nice painting.

    Just as a matter of interest, what size bases do you use, and what rules do you tend to use them for?

    Avatar photoGoliad

    Great unit. I like the base – I am a firm convert to big bases as they let you tell a story with your miniatures if you want, or really pack them in to really convey mass.

    Avatar photoSimon Miller

    Yes they look very effective!

    Avatar photoAltius

    Thanks, guys!

    Richard, those are 120mm x 80mm and the skirmisher bases are 120mm x 40mm.

    Where there is fire, we will carry gasoline

    Avatar photoGarry Grant

    Very good painting and atmospheric larger bases – really do set the figures off well.  Good to see someone adding reins to their chariots!



    Avatar photoPiyan Glupak

    Thanks.  I have a feeling that large bases (with lots of figures) are becoming more popular generally.  To me, they make much more sense than individual basing.

    Avatar photoAdam Hayes

    Lovely figures, is the chap with the harp Foundry?

    Avatar photoAltius

    Lovely figures, is the chap with the harp Foundry?

    Adam, sorry for the late reply. Yes, the man with the harp is also Foundry.

    Where there is fire, we will carry gasoline

    Avatar photoIannick

    Lovely! Nice unit.

    I’m currently working on some Canaanite archers. I love the Foundry biblical range.





    Avatar photoAdam Hayes

    Lovely! Nice unit. I’m currently working on some Canaanite archers. I love the Foundry biblical range.

    They are excellent aren’t they? I had to drag myself away from them with what was left of my willpower when I was up there last week!  (Didn’t know then there was a harpist I didn’t have.. Curses!)

    Avatar photoIannick

    I have that harpist, a great figure…





    Avatar photoAltius

    I have that harpist, a great figure…

    Very nice job on those!

    I like the harpist too. He makes a nice change of pace from the usual trumpeters or drummers. I imagine his role in the unit is to just stay close to the king and sing calming, confidence-building songs about how wonderful the king is.

    Where there is fire, we will carry gasoline


    Great work, thinking about doing another biblical army myself

    "walk the battlefield in the morning, wargame it in the afternoon"


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