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    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    What two films are these products referring to?

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    Artificial Cakes and Inadequate Handwipes?


    Inadequate Handwipes was a classic. John Wayne’s best film, that scene with him, Deborah Kerr and the horse…

    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoAlvin Molethrottler

    My guess:

    Twinkies = Zombieland

    KFC = Kentucky Fried Movie (though I’m pretty certain this is wrong)

    Avatar photoRules Junkie Jim

    Are there naturally occurring cakes? TGBBO would be vastly improved with Paul and Mary trapped down a mine. Not Mel though, I couldn’t allow that.

    Is it Ronald Reagan’s finest work, “Bedtime for Bonzo”?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    My guess:
    Twinkies = Zombieland

    That is correct.

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    Are there naturally occurring cakes?


    There are cakes made from naturally occurring ingredients – eggs, milk, flour, etc., and there are Twinkies.

    I like cake.


    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoAlvin Molethrottler

    I think I got it:

    KFC = Book of Eli

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks


    Book of Eli

    My other favourite PA films are:

    The Road
    Resident Evil
    Reign of Fire
    The Postman
    28 Days/weeks
    The Divide
    Right at Your Door

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    All those, but NOT Mad Max, The Road Warrior, Children of Men, or Blade Runner?

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Children of Men, good call.
    Mad Max 2 and 3, not so much the first.

    Is Bladerunner PA, not convinced there was an event that pretty much wiped man out in that was there?

    Avatar photoRules Junkie Jim

    I liked the first Mad Max, apart from the soundtrack which seemed to have been piped in from another film.

    For me, no PA list is complete without mentioning a film I haven’t seen since I was a child, and that scared me so much I was afraid to go to sleep, namely; Threads.


    Avatar photoLuddite

    I just tried posting something really witty and droll here about what on earth do these films have to do with Personal Assistants?

    But the user interface on this forum is so crap that I lost everything I typed.

    I’m sorry Mike. You are  decent bloke. But I’ve been waiting nine months now for this place to sort out it’s teething problems and become

    a) user friendly

    b) a place to discuss historical wargaming

    Neither has happened so I’m off.

    Good luck for the future.

    Avatar photoJoe

    But I’ve been waiting nine months now

    Not likely, it has only been online for 4 and half months.

    b) a place to discuss historical wargaming

    So why did you post stuff about sports and moan when Mike deleted it, if you want to talk about historical wargaming?

    Avatar photoMike

    I just tried posting something really witty and droll here about what on earth do these films have to do with Personal Assistants?
    But the user interface on this forum is so crap that I lost everything I typed.
    I’m sorry Mike. You are decent bloke. But I’ve been waiting nine months now for this place to sort out it’s teething problems and become
    a) user friendly
    b) a place to discuss historical wargaming
    Neither has happened so I’m off.
    Good luck for the future.

    Sorry to see anyone go.
    But as noted, TWW has not been online for 9 months.
    If you feel not enough people are talking about historical gaming you could do worse than start some topics yourself and start the ball rolling?
    After all you have only started two topics yourself and one of them was about Rubgy…
    Not that anyone must create topics to be a valued member here, some people just like to join in on conversations started by others, nothing wrong with that.
    Though there are from a quick scan of the period/genre boards, over twice as many historical topics as fantasy/sci-fi topics.
    So it seems historical is the most popular genre/era/period here.

    As for losing the post you made, I am sorry that happened.
    A couple of people have commented about that happening to them too, alas I have been unable to recreate this error myself on any browser so am unable to try and figure out what is causing it.
    It is very difficult to fix a problem when you can’t see the problem.

    Anyway, sorry to see you go and thanks for the best wishes.

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    Congratulations Mike.


    Your first flouncer. This site has arrived dahhhhhhling.


    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoDon Glewwe

    Add to the PA movie list:  A Boy and His Dog ?

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Wait wait I was going to make espresso…

    Avatar photoThe Gray Ghost

    I just tried posting something really witty and droll here

    I wouldn’t have seen it anyway I have the droll filter on

    Beware The Gray Ghost

    Avatar photoMike

    Add to the PA movie list: A Boy and His Dog ?

    I did try to watch that, was too odd for me…

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    I just tried posting something really witty and droll here

    I wouldn’t have seen it anyway I have the droll filter on


    I often try to post something witty and droll here too.


    Doesn’t work for me either, but I don’t think it’s the site’s fault…

    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I think you could qualify Silent Running as post-apocalyptic, in a way.  As well as the fascinating but now somewhat dated technocratic pseudo-documentary After The Warming.

    Avatar photoThe Gray Ghost

    >Waiting witty aphorism

    I used up all my witty apropos in my youth, now all I have is sarcasm to get me through my old age

    Beware The Gray Ghost

    Avatar photoThe Gray Ghost

    I think the conclusion is pretty clear , Twinkies and KFC are the causes of the coming apocalypse

    Beware The Gray Ghost

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