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    Avatar photoAngel Barracks


    This is the name of the village I will be setting my 25mm WFB games in.
    Whilst the larger setting is The Old World, an established IP, my games will be in an area of my own creation, the local geography, politics, peoples, their backgrounds and so on will be created rather than lifted.

    My 10mm WFB is based on, and set in established GW IP lore so that does not fit here as nothing is made up in terms of setting, but my 25mm is to be built from the ground up.

    The games will be set in the area surrounding the village and will detail its history, the location will be the focus of the games, not the armies.
    Hopefully we will see the place grow and develop as the various games are played out over the coming years.




    The village of Heiligsheld lies somewhere near the border of Stirland and Sylvania, maybe somewhere north of Brachland but south of Hel Fenn?
    The problem is that Imperial cartographers have not charted it in several centuries, and as such, its precise location is known only to those local to it.

    Heiligsheld is a village of mostly woodsmen, trappers, sheep farmers, and hunters.
    Timber, pelts and furs are the main sources of trade.

    Overlooking the village is the Counts Manor.
    A fortified stone building belonging to the Halven family, it is here the garrison is stationed.

    This is the rough base for my setting.
    I am thinking that it will be near a small river so the timber can be floated down stream and sold, likewise the pelts, furs and meats from the farms.

    The Halven family are minor nobles who have been granted a small estate as thanks for a service done, though given the size and location of the estate (Stirland / Sylvania) the service could not have been that great, or the location would not have been so dismal.

    Not sure yet how long the Halven family have been here, maybe one or two generations.
    Maybe they are newly arrived and were given this estate as the previous owner died with no heirs?
    I will have a ponder.

    Right now I am making scenery and terrain and buildings and painting up the locals.

    The name of the village has significance, but quite what I will do with it I am not yet sure.

    Very early days and much to do still.



    Avatar photomadman

    Or they did great deeds for the father of the noble who granted the estate. The noble, and perhaps their immediate heirs, died in the battle or subsequent, or previous, engagements or campaign. The noble house passed to an heir who did not get along with their parent, or was always disdainful of the Halvens. Perhaps they were taken with an offspring who did not reciprocate.

    Or perhaps the noble either had others to reward better or the local count didn’t do anything of note. Lots of possibilities here.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Lots of possibilities here.


    Here is some of the terrain I have cobbled together to try and help breath life into the area.

    I think this is where my old sorceress/witch will live, hence the beastman skull on the door.
    But I am not 100% decided yet.

    Trampled down crop field, damned goblins/mutants/beastmen/drunk yobs.

    I also have some other odds and sods, but no individual photos.

    Samantha and I have been playing a few games to get used to 25mm WFB with fewer units.

    My WFB Topic is HERE 

    It should catch you up to date.

    I want to get loads of terrain and scenery done as the games will be as much about the physical area as the inhabitants.

    Avatar photomadman

    Very nice. I think if I see that fence with the “display” I would be very inclined to pass that village by…

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    The name of this town reminds me of “Heiligenschwendi,” a lovely little town in Switzerland I once spent some time in.

    I love the old-school feel of all this. And in 3rd Edition WFB, you could 100% stat up that witch and have her appear on the battlefield, possibly with some of the products of her alchemical or necromantic experiments!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Very nice. I think if I see that fence with the “display” I would be very inclined to pass that village by…

    Thanks, you reminded me that I was going to add something to that section, a warning sign of what happens to chaos lovers and those that harbour mutants.


    I love the old-school feel of all this..   you could 100% stat up that witch and have her appear on the battlefield, possibly with some of the products of her alchemical or necromantic experiments!

    Cheers, already done that, the model is purchased and awaiting paint.
    Though she is more nature based due to the worship of Taal, so has mostly elemental spells.


    Avatar photoAngel Barracks


    Crossbows are a staple of any Imperial force.
    The small garrison at Heiligsheld is no different.

    This particular lot are lead by sergeant ‘Short’ Basil as his men call him, a veteran of many a skirmish and more than capable of bullseying the eye of a bull at some prescribed distance. He keeps his lucky bolt in his cap.
    It was shot at him from behind by a goblin war chief, the bolt miraculously tore through his shirt, bounced around the inside of his breastplate and came out through the back again and then killed the war chiefs wolf. *

    Basil keeps it in his cap as a good luck charm.

    *So Basil claims.



    Heiligsheld is located somewhere near or in woods.
    As such woodsmen are common there.

    The Holzfaller of Heiligsheld are however an exceptional bunch.

    This unit is lead by Martyn Hauer an old mercenary captain who can be seen in the middle.
    His old mercenary unit was known as the Red Cocks.

    On the far left is Fimm, an adept woodsman who fills his spare time carving ornate figurines for the local children.
    Between Fimm and Martyn is Anatole Bucheron, he is a Brettonian.
    Next to Martyn is Johan Wesker-Schmitt, he likes the Bierwurst and ale. He claims the garlic in the Bierwurst keeps the Counts Men* at bay.
    Finally on the far right we have Big Heinz, a companion of Martyn from his mercenary days.

    *This is a colloquial name for those in service of the vampire lords or undead in general.

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    Really nice stuff there Michael; great fluff, terrain and minatures:)!

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Thank you!

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    madman wrote: Lots of possibilities here. Indeed.

    I am reminded of an enobled gent who did a great service and was given a crappy demesne, not as a slight but because a king believed only he could turn it around as well as defend the area.  Of course it was just as likely that the overlord of the area had sold the idea place to the king as being a wonderful place and a fitting reward for such a deed in hopes this upstart would fail…

    His old mercenary unit was known as the Red Cocks.

    nice attire tie-in, lol.

    I really like these little details of the people and places, makes the who thing more lively and lived-in.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks


    I am thinking about buildings and scenarios.
    I want to have some sort of story a bit like the 10mm Warm Ale and Mud, wherein a necromancer tries to get the body of a renown liche/necromancer/undead warrior or similar exhumed from a barrow.
    Stirland has some of the Empires oldest barrows and burial mounds which is handy.
    I will make a rough barrow at some point.

    I also really like the idea of a road wardens / toll booth type structure.
    I have made more hedges over the weekend to help keep wagons from leaving the road and thus having to encounter the toll building.

    A farm of some sort is needed, so I am reading my old warhammer books and white dwarf’s for ideas.

    Plus I will need of course the actual buildings of the village of Heiligsheld.
    So more scratch builds.

    It is easy to be overwhelmed with all that needs doing, 2 entire forces in 25mm and all the terrain and scenery.

    I am hoping by doing little bits here and there that over the next few years I will be able to pull it all together as one detailed setting/game.

    I think..

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I also really like the idea of a road wardens / toll booth type structure. I have made more hedges over the weekend to help keep wagons from leaving the road and thus having to encounter the toll building.

    Turns out Warhammer Townscapes has a small toll booth.
    It is much smaller than the ones shown in say WFRP 1e. But it is a legit building and as such will compliment the small cottage I already made:

    Also, whilst the toll booth is small, it sort of fits with the poor rural out of the way setting I am going for…

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Any progress is good progress!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Finished my Toll Booth.

    It sits on the north road from Heiligsheld, manned normally by 2 men from the Counts fortified manor.

    Out the front on a bodged old sign are the blurred and worn toll fees, some less than generous road users say the signage is faded on purpose so the prices can be inflated.

    As for the Toll Booth itself, whilst study with a single arrow slit to discourage people from trying to batter down the door, it is otherwise unremarkable.

    Mostly the lads who are on duty linger about outside, hence the barrels.

    On one barrel we see a bottle of cheap rotgut and the skull of the very first Toll Keeper, Jan Tresor. People say he drank and smoked so much that his mouth became rotten early on in life, but somehow even as a lowly toll keeper he managed to find the money to have gold teeth made to replace his own.
    He was quite lucky like that, so the lads who are on duty keep his old bone box around as a good luck charm, hoping his fortune will rub off on them.

    On the wall are some posters, one of which is of the famous fiddler, Anna-Sophia Muter.
    She is a very accomplished musician, made more popular with bored toll keepers due to her tight clothing and bawdy songs.
    The other posters are about codes of conduct for games keepers and road wardens by Herr Doctor Stillman, and the last a poster detailing the most recent hangings in the nearest town.


    Below we see the brothers ‘Spider’ and Heff.
    Once part of Martyn Hauer’s mercenary company but now in service to Count Halven.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Finished the spiel for the cottage.

    Fraulein Pfiezel is rumoured to be a witch.

    She lives in her cottage, which is a few hours walk out of the village proper.
    It can be reached via a small track that leads off from the main road, which can be identified by an old abandoned cart that has become quite overgrown,

    Rumour aside, we do know that she likes to keeps to herself a lot.
    On the rare occasions she does come into the village the folks there are deferent and polite.

    She is often wandering the hills to the north of Heiligsheld or the deeper areas of the woods.
    She is an accomplished herbalist and is the locals go to for cures and remedies.

    Her cottage is small, and she has a small herb garden that she maintains fastidiously.

    On her door is the skull of what the villagers say is a Beastmen she killed for wandering too close.

    She claims to know nothing about anything like that, and she says it is just a skull she found, probably a sheep or goat or something.
    She would say that though, she is deaf as a post, even with her hearing trumpet fashioned from the thigh of a Beastman.

    She also has a cat.

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