Home Forums General General Historical periods that were difficult to get started on?

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  • #200371
    Avatar photoMartinR

    I was interested in the WSS for decades but it took me 30 years to do anything about it. The main things which put me off was the requirement to paint loads of cavalry and the immense variation in what passed for “uniforms”.

    I finally cracked it by going  with 2mm, which also turned out to be excellent for the ECW and TYW for similar reasons…

    "Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" - Helmuth von Moltke

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    I was interested in the WSS for decades but it took me 30 years to do anything about it. The main things which put me off was the requirement to paint loads of cavalry and the immense variation in what passed for “uniforms”. I finally cracked it by going with 2mm, which also turned out to be excellent for the ECW and TYW for similar reasons…

    Compared to Napoleonics, WSS is easy. There’s no absolutely correct information on Flags and uniforms, so you can ignore the naysayers. Also fewer dilettante ‘experts’ that think they know it all.

    I gave up Napoleon for Marlborough.

    win/win 🙂



    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

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