Home Forums Sci Fi 6mm Sci-Fi Imperial Horizons

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  • #200113
    Avatar photoMr. Average

    My quest for 3mm scale 40K has taken an interesting turn, and I’m taking a shot at Horizon Wars crossed with 40K by basing a whole detachment on a single stand, so that Titans and Superheavies will have a more effective order-of-magnitude kind of visual power compared to them. That is, a single “conventional” unit won’t be a single squad, but a whole detachment of troops with their transports. So far, I like the look of it.

    Avatar photoMike

    Yeah, that is very striking. In a good way.

    Avatar photowillz

    Very cool looking, I like the concept and visual appeal.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Thanks, guys! I’m very happy with the look myself. It feels suitably epic but without the need to fiddle too much. When I want to have a more fiddly game I have a set for that too, but this is for Horizon Wars which normally goes to about 15-20 units per side at the maximum. This will let you field something close to an imperial cohort (or whatever they call it) in a manageable way.

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