Home Forums General General Indochina Revamp now available!

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  • #201614
    Avatar photoLeon Pendraken

    After a long pause in our new releases we’re back with a full revamp of our 10mm Indochina range, containing new codes (mainly French Paras) and more poses throughout.  We’ve also added some new army packs so that you can choose from the Regional militia troops or the more regular Chu Luc army.


    VMV1    Regional/Tu-Ve with rifle, running    £2.25
    VMV2    Regional/Tu Ve with rifle, walking    £2.25
    VMV3    Regional/Tu-Ve with rifle, advancing    £2.25
    VMV4    Regional/Tu-Ve with rifle, firing    £2.25
    VMV5    Regional/Tu-Ve with rifle, kneeling    £2.25
    VMV6    Regional/Tu-Ve with Thompson SMG, kneeling    £2.25
    VMV7    Regional/Tu-Ve 7.7mm MMG teams (Japanese Type 92) (3)    £2.25
    VMV8    Regional/Tu-Ve Browning 0.3″ MMG teams (3)    £2.25
    VMV9    Regional/Tu Ve, 50mm Type 10 light mortars    £2.25
    VMV10    Regional/Tu-Ve officers    £2.25
    VMV11    Chu Luc with rifle, firing    £2.25
    VMV12    Chu Luc with rifle, advancing    £2.25
    VMV13    Chu Luc with Type 50 SMG    £2.25
    VMV14    Chu Luc with MAT-49 SMG, throwing grenade    £2.25
    VMV15    Chu Luc Bazooka team (3)    £2.25
    VMV16    Chu Luc LMG teams (Czech vz.30 LMG), kneeling    £2.25
    VMV17    Regional/Tu Ve LMG teams (Czech vz.30), prone    £2.25
    VMV18    Chu Luc 7.7mm MMG teams (Japanese Type 92) (3)    £2.25
    VMV19    Chu Luc Browning 0.3″ MMG teams (3)    £2.25
    VMV20    Chu Luc assault pioneers    £2.25
    VMV21    Chu Luc officers    £2.25
    VMV22    Chu Luc standard bearer, bugler, NCO    £2.25
    VMV23    Senior officer with radio operator    £2.25
    VMV24    Chu Luc 81mm mortar with crew (French modele 44) (3)    £2.25
    VMV25    Chu Luc 120mm mortar with crew (Soviet M1938) (3)    £2.25
    VMV26    Chu Luc 57mm M18 recoilless rifle (3)    £2.25
    VMV27    Chu Luc 75mm M20 recoilless rifle (3)    £2.25
    VMV28    75mm pack Howitzer, with Chu Luc crew (1)    £3.20
    VMV29    M1A2 105mm Howitzer, with Chu Luc crew (1)    £3.20
    VMV30    Japanese 70mm Howitzer with Chu Luc crew (1)    £3.20
    VMV31    Indo China Chu Luc casualty    £2.25
    VMV-AP-R    Regional Vietminh Indo-China Army Pack    £30.00
    VMV-AP-C    Chu Luc Vietminh Indo-China Army Pack    £30.00

    VMF1    Infantry with rifle and carbine    £2.25
    VMF2    Infantry with MAT-49 SMG    £2.25
    VMF3    Infantry with FM24/29 LMG, walking    £2.25
    VMF4    FM24/29 LMG teams, prone    £2.25
    VMF5    Rifle Grenadiers    £2.25
    VMF6    Browning 0.3″ MMG teams (3)    £2.25
    VMF7    Officers    £2.25
    VMF8    Radio Operator and NCO    £2.25
    VMF9    57mm M18 recoilless rifle teams (3)    £2.25
    VMF10    60mm mortar teams (3)    £2.25
    VMF11    81mm mortar teams (3)    £2.25
    VMF12    120mm mortar teams (3)    £2.25
    VMF13    Indo China French casualty    £2.25
    VMF14    75mm pack Howitzer with crew (1)    £3.20
    VMF15    M1A2 105mm Howitzer with crew (1)    £3.20
    VMF16    LVT ‘Buffalo’    £3.95
    VMF17    Crew block for LVT ‘Buffalo’    £2.25
    VMF-AP    French Indo-China Army Pack    £30.00

    VMX1    Vietnamese civilians    £6.75
    VMX2    Vietnamese Porters (5)    £2.25
    VMX3    Water buffalo (5)    £2.00

    VMV2 – Regional/Tu-Ve with rifle, walking

    VMV4 – Regional/Tu-Ve with rifle, firing

    VMV9 – Regional/Tu-Ve 50mm mortars

    VMV22 – Chu Luc command set

    VMV25 – Chu Luc 120mm mortar teams

    VMF1 – French infantry with rifle/carbine

    VMF4 – French LMG teams, prone

    VMF7 – French officers

    VMF11 – French 81mm mortar teams

    VMX1 – Vietnamese civilians

    We’re currently moulding a load of new AWI releases too, so those shouldn’t be far off!

    www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products for wargaming, including over 4500 products in 10mm, plus MDF bases, Vallejo paints, I-94 decals, Red Vectors MDF buildings, Litko Gaming Accessories, Raiden Miniatures, Militia Miniatures and much, much more!

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I have a friend that will be thrilled with this news, as he’s gotten bit by that 10mm bug and is into Indochina wargaming.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoLeon Pendraken

    Sounds good!

    www.pendraken.co.uk - Now home to over 10,000 products for wargaming, including over 4500 products in 10mm, plus MDF bases, Vallejo paints, I-94 decals, Red Vectors MDF buildings, Litko Gaming Accessories, Raiden Miniatures, Militia Miniatures and much, much more!

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