Home Forums Horse and Musket 18th Century Invasion of Cuba test game 3

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  • #202025
    Avatar photowillz

    The gaming mats from Sally4th finally turned up yesterday, 19 days for a 48 hour delivery.
    Still they are pretty good and I am happy with the product but not the company.

    So I had a third test game with 4 British battalions of infantry and one shore party in the attacking force.
    The Spanish have a 2 cannon shore battery and 4 cannon in the fort and 2 infantry battalions defending.



    I may use this fort.

    Conclusions for a more balanced game.
    Better artillery firing mechanics for the shore to ship.
    Spanish need 2 more cannons and at least one more infantry battalion for defence.
    Spanish reserves timed entry and better defence deployment.
    British are unable to land full force in one go. Best to have a second landing by dice roll.


    Avatar photoOotKust

    The gaming mats from Sally4th finally turned up yesterday, 19 days for a 48 hour delivery.

    Side-Issue:: You think thats bad??; imagine waiting for a hundred quids worth of books to appear- 4 months and one day after nominal despatch! So much for the ‘Expedited’ fee and ‘Air Packet or whatever they euphemistically phrase it! Normally post Cvd-19 packets take 2-3 weeks!!

    Nice looking mat and game.
    I did a similar multiplayer game a few years back- AWI Brit naval landing in Spanish Florida coastline; mixed with a simultaneous land raid by ‘the colonies’ hoping to clear out known Brit ‘facilitators’…
    regards, dave

    Swinging from left to right no matter where the hobby goes!

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