Home Forums Sci Fi 15mm Sci-Fi Is anyone making an Ape City (POTA)

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    Avatar photoCacique Caribe


    Is anyone using their Battle Valor 15mm infantry and cavalry apes to populate an Ape City (a la Planet of the Apes)?  If so, what design do you have in mind for the complex?  And what materials?

    Found this:

    Planet of the Apes (1968) Set Design



    Or will you just game on a grass field with lots of trees?  Or on a Post Apocalyptic city, to fight feral human survivors and mutant cultists among the ruins?  Or on the never ending desert of the Forbidden Zone?


    And what sort of banners and insignia will you put on your ape soldiers?

    I found this from the original films:

    Gorilla Army Flags from Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970)
    byu/okulthobbit invexillology

    How will you base and organize your units?  What colors for the uniforms?

    What human figures will you use against them?  I am using these two sets for my bald and radiation burned “skinless” mutant cult fighters:



    Inquiring minds want to know!


    I just ordered both the ape foot and cav this weekend, off ebay.  There’s no way I was going to pass up their 40% off sale.  No way!  And it’s apparently been extended for a couple more days still.



    Loads of WIPs: https://www.flickr.com/photos/9593487@N07/albums/with/72157710630529376

    Avatar photoTony S

    I did get an email from Battlevalor, but I managed to resist the temptation.  They have some great looking figures!

    But no mention of a half buried Lady Liberty, Dan?  That would be a nice centrepiece. I suspect you could probably find a relatively cheap tourist souvenir and cut it apart.

    Personally, I always liked “Beneath the Planet of the Apes” the best.

    Avatar photoCacique Caribe


    i agree wholeheartedly with you.  “Beneath” IS the best of the five films.


    Loads of WIPs: https://www.flickr.com/photos/9593487@N07/albums/with/72157710630529376

    Avatar photoirishserb

    I revisit this idea with some frequency, and if the Eureka figs had still been available, would probably have done it several years ago.  If I did it today, I’d probably start with the Crooked Dice figs and try to find other sources to supplement them.  28mm would be my scale as opposed to 15, as all of my fantasy and sci-fi stuff is in 28mm, which makes building the terrain and other stuff more fun for me.

    My preference is heavily in favor of the 1968 version of POTA, and I would base an ape city on the style of that presented in the film, but would make it more vertical and in some ways more jungle-like.

    I’d probably include the humans as depicted in the movies, but haven’t given much thought as to specific figures, probably using a variety of historical pre-gunpowder peasants and sci-fi cultist types for the core of the figs.

    Organization for the ape army would be rather simple, as they weren’t built around fighting other armies.  I don’t see them as having complex organizations, so much as small teams and leaders, maybe something like squads building up to companies, but probably not with platoon type structures, or larger organizations.

    I’ve never read the orignal book or other writing associated with the series, so my only inspiration is from the movies, and at that, mostly from my perspective seeing the movies as a child.

    Avatar photoCacique Caribe

    IrishSerb:  “I would base an ape city on the style of that presented in the (1968) film, but would make it more vertical and in some ways more jungle-like.”

    The 1970 sequel, Beneath the Planet of the Apes does show more scenes of the city, specially around the amphitheater where they would hold their “kill all humans” pep rallies.

    Q – So what would be your material of choice for building the structures, blue/pink foam?


    Loads of WIPs: https://www.flickr.com/photos/9593487@N07/albums/with/72157710630529376

    Avatar photoirishserb

    Yes, I think foam would be the way to go with some detail being made of bass wood and maybe some brass wire.

    Avatar photoCacique Caribe

    Well, I started playing around with insulation sheets already.  I’m leaving the roof for last.  I still haven’t decided if I’m going to have flat areas on the roof for figures to stand on or not.

    I’ll post pics when finished.

    Loads of WIPs: https://www.flickr.com/photos/9593487@N07/albums/with/72157710630529376

    Avatar photoirishserb

    My thinking is that climbing would be instinctive, so I would probably make roof areas be functional and accessable.  I think they would be less prone to waste virtical space, though I haven’t really given consideraion to how that space would be used.

    I’m quite looking forward to seeing the pics.



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