Home Forums Ancients Last Battle Optio Campaign

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  • #198035
    Avatar photoJustin Swanton

    Battle of Stratos. A real nail-biter. At one point I was convinced I was done for. Only dice saved me.



    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    That ending, wow!  Luck does not seem to be with Army leaders, maybe too dangerous of a job.

    I really like how the campaign map transitions to the table, males life easy.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoJustin Swanton

    That ending, wow! Luck does not seem to be with Army leaders, maybe too dangerous of a job. I really like how the campaign map transitions to the table, males life easy.

    It does add a good dose of excitement and perhaps a caveat about throwing your generals and commanders too freely into combat. But generals dying in battle and deciding the battle that way is a common enough theme in history.

    BTW the battle was actually a draw. The Dorian general routed my hoplites before he was killed, which tipped my army over the edge. So neither gains or loses kudos, but since Peter had spent every kudo he had raising his army, he can no longer control any town except his capital, Amphissa, so the campaign is over anyway.



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