Home Forums Medieval Lion Rampant, Defending the Indefensible – Devon Wargames Group

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  • #198681
    Avatar photocarojon

    One of the games played in April at the Devon Wargames Group was a Crusades set-to using Lion Rampant.

    The game was set in and around a village in the Levant in the year 1098 with an ambitious Bishop deciding to raise a very fancy large wooden cross in the village square.

    If you would like to know how things turned out then just follow the link to the club blog.




    Avatar photoTony S

    As ever, your club puts on some stunningly attractive games.  Thanks for sharing.

    The various Rampant rules are excellent for club nights, aren’t they?

    Avatar photocarojon

    Hi Tony,

    Thank you, we do have some very talented folks in the club who can create some great looking games for our regular monthly activities and it’s a pleasure to share them with a wider audience, and yes indeed Rampant are an excellent set of rules for these games and get played quite a bit at the club.




    Avatar photoMike

    Cheers for that.
    I may well steal that idea and transplant it to my games.

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