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    Avatar photoMike

    Assuming you buy MDF laser cut type stuff, what sort of things do you buy?


    Avatar photoMike Headden

    Buildings, 28mm scale Roman ones at the moment.

    Though the latest was a dice tower that doubles as a building – is that a building or a play aid?

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    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I’ve bought a couple of modern and sci-fi buildings in 28 (that were also pre-colored), as well as a 15mm scale scifi hanger (which I gave to a friend for his birthday).  Most recently bought a pair of colonial era buildings for a Portuguese town in the Caribbean for our giant pirate participation game.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoGeof Downton

    Bases, various shapes and sizes, usually 2mm thick with magnet holes.

    Rarely buildings, which normally end up heavily modified.

    Occasionally horse drawn vehicles and bits of furniture.

    Once or twice tokens/markers for games.

    Most often doors, window frames and bits and pieces for scratchbuilding, eg. dice frames to use as windows.


    One who puts on his armour should not boast like one who takes it off.
    Ahab, King of Israel; 1 Kings 20:11

    Avatar photowillz

    Bases mainly, limbers from warbases, wagons from colonel Bills.

    Avatar photoMike

    Good to know bases are popular, feel free to help out your friendly forum hosting guy for bases and what not, there are some on my site and I will gladly do custom sizes.
    I think you will find my prices competitive.


    Do carry on with comments though.
    Market Research and all that.


    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    All the stuff Ive bought has been scifi terrain, but that’s just because that is what I was doing at the time.

    Avatar photoAndy cole

    Small bits of scatter terrain. Building components are always good. I imagine generic European building, timber frame style fit for a lot of periods.

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