Home Forums Medieval Medieval 25mm pike / spears Garrison Miniatures.

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  • #199002
    Avatar photowillz

    Wanted a break from 18th century stuff.

    Bought these pike / spears last September off flea-bay, they were painted.
    I have spent the last few days adding ink wash, shading, re-working the wood, metal
    and rebasing.
    The knights and banners I painted a couple of years ago and have been added for effect.
    Banners are made by me.





    Avatar photoGeneral Slade

    That’s a really nice looking unit and the banners look great.  I love Garrison figures.  Some guys from their ECW range were probably the first metal figures I ever bought.

    Avatar photowillz

    That’s a really nice looking unit and the banners look great. I love Garrison figures. Some guys from their ECW range were probably the first metal figures I ever bought.

    Cheers for your kind comments, Garrison and Lamming are some of the most nostalgic medieval figures.  There is just something about them that evokes 1960 – 70’s wargaming.

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