Home Forums Horse and Musket 18th Century New GNW scenario book

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  • #198657
    Avatar photoHwiccee

    I am pleased to announce that the latest scenario book for the Twilight of the Sun King rules is now available.

    This focuses on the Great Northern War of 1700-1721.

    It features the following scenarios15 scenarios, 9 scenarios on historical battles and a further 6 historically based ‘What if’ battles.

    The ‘What if’ battles feature historical armies which actually campaigned against each other but this did not lead to a battle. The exception to this is the option to fight a battle featuring all the Great Commanders of this era but with the armies they commanded at the time, 1707.

    This booklet features the following scenarios.

    The Great Northern War (1700-21) scenarios.

    Hummelshof, 1702
    Jakobstadt, 1704
    Gemauerthof, 1705
    Kalisz, 1706
    Malatize or Dobroe, 1708
    Koniecpol, 1708
    Poltava, 1709
    Helsingborg, 1710
    Palkane, 1713

    ‘What if’ Battle scenarios.

    Holstein, 1700
    Grodno, 1706
    Clash of the Titans, 1707 (Intervention in the War of Spanish Succession)
    Horki, 1708
    Ingermanland, 1708
    Scania, 1716

    If you do not already have it the 2nd scenario book in the series also features many Great Northern War scenarios.

    This booklet, and others, is available here https://www.wyrehistoricbooks.co.uk/sun-king]https://www.wyrehistoricbooks.co.uk/sun-king and in due course at other retailers.


    Good show!

    Avatar photoHwiccee

    The 4th Twilight of the Sun King scenario book, Ga Pa!, is now available as a PDF – https://www.wyrehistoricbooks.co.uk/catalogue/sun-king-pdf-download

    It is 15 scenarios focusing on the Great Nothern War.

    Avatar photoMike

    Is this your book?

    Avatar photoHwiccee

    Yes it is if you mean did I write it.

    Avatar photoMike

    Ooh. Congratulations in that case!

    Avatar photoHwiccee

    Thanks 🙂

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