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    Avatar photoPatrick Spence

    Hey everybody! After having some success on Etsy, my neighbor and I have started our own website to sell our miniatures. Everything is already painted and weathered, and shipping is free. Come check us out! https://www.bhwargaming.com/

    Avatar photoMike

    Tanks for posting!

    Avatar photodeephorse

    Hey everybody! After having some success on Etsy, my neighbor and I have started our own website to sell our miniatures.


    Nice.   Does Nick know that you’re using his art?

    Play is what makes life bearable - Michael Rosen

    Avatar photoTony S

    What’s your shipping like to the rest of the world?   Your painting looks pretty darn good!

    Avatar photowillz

    Well done that man a very nice selection of 15mm WW2 models.  What’s Etsy like for selling items.

    Avatar photojeffers

    Is it just me, or does the Panzerjager 1 look like a prototype Dalek?

    More nonsense on my blog: http://battle77.blogspot.com/

    Avatar photomadman

    Went to your site and my assumption is you either do “custom” painting on existing models, so we are basically buying pre-painted minis. Or you have your own line of models which you sell already painted. So are these your minis or someone else’s and if the later whose? Thank you and great work.

    Avatar photoPatrick Spence

    What art are you referring to?

    Avatar photodeephorse

    What art are you referring to?

    Nicholas Trudgian’s artwork, which is the wallpaper on your website.  Mr. Trudgian is a well known and much respected artist.  His work sells for a lot of money.  I have three of his prints and they are amongst my most treasured possessions, signed not only by him, but also various WWII veterans who, loosely speaking, took part in the events depicted.

    Now he might have let you copy his artwork for free, or you might be paying him a royalty in order to use it.  But somehow I doubt it.

    Play is what makes life bearable - Michael Rosen

    Avatar photoPatrick Spence

    That’s very cool. I paid royalties for that through a third party.

    Avatar photoPatrick Spence

    Thank you! Etsy has always been great for us.

    Avatar photoPatrick Spence

    $20 USD Flat rate at the moment. I still have to go through and adjust shipping rates per country. If you’re interested in making an order, just let me know what country you’re in and I’ll adjust it!

    Avatar photoPatrick Spence

    Went to your site and my assumption is you either do “custom” painting on existing models, so we are basically buying pre-painted minis. Or you have your own line of models which you sell already painted. So are these your minis or someone else’s and if the later whose? Thank you and great work.

    Thanks! These are our minis, and they are pre-painted.

    Avatar photodeephorse

    That’s very cool. I paid royalties for that through a third party.

    Well I’m glad to hear that.  Mr. Trudgian deserves some reward for his efforts.

    Play is what makes life bearable - Michael Rosen

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