Home Forums WWII O Group at Salute

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  • #132984
    Avatar photoDCRBrown

    Loughton Strike Force will be putting on a game covering the German attacks against Pavlov’s House, in Stalingrad 1942.

    It will cover a slice of the battlefield from the Volga all the way up to the Germans lines, where the battle itself will take place.

    This is the mill area, where the Russian rear lines and reserves will be, and is the ultimate German objective. Pavlov’s House is centre left, next to the park and children’s play area!

    The game will have a separate rear board section covering the Russian reserves as they struggle over the Volga to reinforce Stalingrad. The O Group battle will take place across the park, Pavlov’s House and the mill factory complex.


    The ground the German’s will have to cross to initially secure Pavlov’s House.

    Both objectives can be seen here, Pavlov’s House and the mill. Russian reserves can be fed into Pavlov’s House via a trench that leads up from the mill.

    So, study the terrain then come along to Salute and try your hand with O Group and see if you can succeed in driving the Russians into the Volga, or hold out against the invaders and save Mother Russia!


    Avatar photodeephorse

    Very nice looking table there David.

    Play is what makes life bearable - Michael Rosen

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    I am only familiar with Pavlovs house from video games.  But dang that is a NICE setup!

    I feel bad for the Jerries, so much open ground.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDCRBrown


    Many thanks.

    That was also my first encounter of Pavlov’s House, hiding under the stairs whilst hordes of Germans attacked! (Can’t recall if that was Medal of Honor or Call of Duty?)

    The ground is a bit open, but there are a few low rises to give cover across some avenues of advance.


    Avatar photoJozisTinMan

    Looks great! The terrain is beautiful and it looks like a nice tactical problem for both sides. I look forward to the battle report as well as the rules being released.


    Avatar photoHayes Wauford

    Beautiful work!!! Is that 20mm?


    Always nice to see folks who put this level of effort into terrain! I am excited to check out these rules too.


    Hayes Wauford

    Avatar photoDCRBrown


    Many thanks!

    The terrain and buildings are all bespoke 15mm terrain. The mill is huge BTW!




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