Home Forums Horse and Musket American Civil War Old Glory 10mm for ACW

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    My dear fellows, help my out.  How many 10mm Old Glory ACW strips (infantry) would fit in a 30x30mm square base?

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    I have some Union infantry. Each strip is just under 1 inch wide and 7 or 8mm deep.

    I have them mounted on 1 inch square bases in two ranks. My buddies said they’re too small so I never got past 12 bases of them. I kinda like them.

    Sorry for the late reply, I was out of town and distracted upon return.

    It's never too late to have a happy childhood


    Thank you Vincent. I hope you had a relaxing vacation

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    Visited in-laws, so a mix of vacation and duty.

    It's never too late to have a happy childhood

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