Home Forums Air and Sea Air Pearl Harbor Custom Mat

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  • #199948
    Avatar photoDarryl Smith

    Had this little baby created by Deep Cut Studios for Check Your 6…turned out very well I believe!


    Buckeye Six Actual

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    9 day turnaround for a custom mat, and that includes the shipping time?  That’s just bonkers!  Good on Deep Cut for such responsiveness, impressive.

    Now you just need to have some games on it and write them up for our vicarious enjoyment!

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoDarryl Smith

    Yep, order date to received date was that quick!

    I plan to use the mat soon, but not for a Pearl themed game. I’ll get a blog post AAR when I do!

    Buckeye Six Actual

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