Home Forums Horse and Musket Napoleonic Perry 28’s- Wurst Pieces

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  • #199995
    Avatar photoOotKust

    A while back I took the plunge and ordered with some foot and horse a pair of Wurst pieces for a better looking (and more accurate) ‘Kavaleri Batterien’ – or in common parlance, an Austrian horse battery.



    Having put off the inevitable, since I prioritised a new Russian Company-Battery first, I’m now in a mild quandry.

    1. The ‘kits’ each has two hollow triangular pieces. What are they and where do they go? Coz I don’t see where from the stock pix.
    2. The wurst seat, has separate footrests, keyed to be glued along each side. I was thinking that I could assemble (pre-glue CA) and then seat onto the cheeks. But it appears that such a mode isn’t suggested by the makers. The resulting gap would be too tight to fit ‘on’ the cheeks and would no doubt split off.

    Has anyone made these models and know where the bits go?
    Yes I know, I could also write to them…
    TIA, -dave



    Avatar photoOotKust

    No, ok, well I’ve sent them an email.
    Several books gave me no leads either…

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