Home Forums Fantasy General Fantasy Rampanthammer – 10mm WFB/Dragon Rampant mash-up

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    Avatar photoAlex

    So, inspired by the superb Empire and Dark Elves already on show here – and the availability of some hairy religious fanatics in 10mm – I was inspired to undertake a little project of my own in the Old World.  Of course, to use said fanatics I knew one army would be the Empire, and I’m currently still flip-flopping on their enemy as I’m struggling finding good, singly-based 10mm fantasy stuff!

    Anyway, here’s what I’ve got so far – along with where I got it from and what I plan to use it as in Dragon Rampant (always subject to change of course!).

    First up a Captain on barded horse to lead the army (Elite Riders, Level-Headed, Single Model Unit):

    miniature knight on horse

    This chap is from Pendraken’s Early 16th C English/Scots range – he’s the Earl of Surrey there (but he’ll get some suitable Empire-style title and name one day!)

    Providing me with another character is the Wizard from Mini Rat Studios – available from a number of licensed 3D printer services.  He’ll be an Elite Foot (Wizardling, Single Model Unit):

    miniature wizard holding staff and potion with magical smoke

    He was the most WFB-style wizard I was able to find – sadly I couldn’t find my favourite Amethyst College looking wizard in 10mm!

    That’s all I’ve got for characters (for now) – I would love a general on a griffon to up the fantastical nature of the army but it is proving difficult finding something that would work.

    These will get the sand dip treatment before priming – I’ll share the units I’m getting ready soon!

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Cool beans.

    What is in the running for enemies at the moment?
    I am also making a small chaos army, small in terms of model count but quite hefty in points, cos that’s how chaos rolls.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks
    Avatar photoAlex

    Cool beans. What is in the running for enemies at the moment? I am also making a small chaos army, small in terms of model count but quite hefty in points, cos that’s how chaos rolls.

    I first thought Ogres (and they are still in the running) – but then felt like Nurgle was an option (it has been my favourite power since seeing a Realm of Chaos warband in WD way back when).  There’s a couple of very nice 3D printed options for a GUO and Nurglings at 10mm – sadly the options for Chaos Warriors are printed on strips and they are all touching shoulder to shoulder and the like   For Beastmen I would go to Eureka, but unless I can get good Chaos Warriors (not too bothered about Chaos Marauders/Thugs) then it’ll be back to the Ogres via Black Gate.

    Oh and the Cibo’s Lord on Griffon is a possible… but that shipping charge makes it ~£15 for the one model… I may have to bite the bullet at some point I suppose as there’s nothing else close in style out there it seems!

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Oooh may I suggest these beastmen, I have them and they are great:


    I am struggling with chaos thugs too, I think I will try some Kallistra naked celts and file the shield emblems off.

    Magister Militum have good Nurgle Plaguebearers:



    Actual Chaos warriors though are an issue.
    I may make do without.

    I will have in my chaos warband.

    Keeper of Secrets.
    Chaos Thugs.
    Chaos Hounds.

    And that is about 2500 points or more already.


    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    Have a look through the Magistar Militum ‘Northern Wastes’ figures here – the evil knights (both foot and mounted) may be OK for your chaos warriors. They also have a few demons here that may fit somewhere.

    For a more barbaric look (i.e. semi-naked, frenzied barbarians) I would head to the Pendraken barbarians here

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I forget that not everyone is stuck with big 10mm, IE Pendraken 10mm being 12 to 13mm.
    Magister Militum are great if doing actual 10mm figures.

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I think I have the magister militum chaos knights you can have for just the postage Alex if you want them?

    Oh and I have some Empire pistolmen on horseback you can have too.

    Avatar photoAlex

    Wow! Thanks for all the input both!

    I admit to not having seen those Lancer Beastmen – well that would certainly sort that part of Chaos out just nicely!  And those Morbi Plague Demons from MM look a great option too!

    Good idea on Celts as Thugs! I’d be tempted to maybe convert a couple to have mutations of some sort though… perhaps a GS tentacle arm here or there? Hmmm… certainly got me thinking now!

    If you have no use for them I’d happily buy them from you!

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoMike

    perhaps a GS tentacle arm here or there? Hmmm… certainly got me thinking now!


    Avatar photoian pillay

    Laran miniatures do 10mm individual chaos warriors



    Tally-Ho! Check out my blog at…..

    Avatar photoAlex

    Laran miniatures do 10mm individual chaos warriors https://laranminiatures.bigcartel.com/product/infantry-evil-men

    thanks for the tip off Ian!

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoAlex

    Next up a couple of units of basic state troops – both from Pendraken’s Landsknechte range for maximum puffy sleeves and fancy hats.

    First, a unit of Spearmen (Heavy Infantry):

    a unit of 12 spearmen
    For the project I got a pack of the Landsknechte Command – for this unit they supplied the standard and drummer and the champion with his sword is a spare from a pack used for another unit.

    I also made up a unit of Halberdiers (Heavy Infantry, Offensive):

    unit of 12 Halberdiers
    That provides a solid infantry core for the purposes of Dragon Rampant – on to the missiles and more exotic elements!

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoMike

    I love halberdiers, I need to make more for my Empire dudes.

    Avatar photoAlex

    I love halberdiers, I need to make more for my Empire dudes.

    to me they’ve been iconic since the monopose plastic ones! Had to include some!

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoAlex

    Got some missile weapon armed State Troops this time – first the Handgunners (Heavy Missiles, Weighty Projectiles), for which I’m using Pendraken Landsknechte Arquebusiers:

    12 handgunners

    Also from the same range I made up a unit of Crossbowmen (Heavy Missiles, Weighty Projectiles):

    12 crossbowmen
    I found some homebrew rules for State Troop detachments in Dragon Rampant, so decided to make up a couple of detachments of Halberdiers to guard their handgunner/crossbowman comrades:

    two units of 6 Halberdiers
    That’s the ‘basic’ infantry all sorted now!

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoMike

    I think detachments came in with 4th edition?

    Is that just small units attached to other units?
    Or something to do with LD stats?

    I need some Empire crossbows too.

    Avatar photoMike

    Oh, one thing…

    Will you be having more than one unit type?
    IE – multiple units of pikes and spears etc?

    Avatar photoAlex

    Cool. I think detachments came in with 4th edition? Is that just small units attached to other units? Or something to do with LD stats? I need some Empire crossbows too.

    It’s small units attached to larger ones – the homebrew rules I found gave them a rule to intercept charges aimed at the parent unit, which is why I’ve only included them for the handguns/crossbow units.

    Oh, one thing… Will you be having more than one unit type? IE – multiple units of pikes and spears etc?

    Not of the infantry – I’m not too keen on duplicating, especially in fantasy games.  I am planning a couple of units of Knights (seeing as they are only 6 miniatures per unit!) though!

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoian pillay

    The project is coming a long nicely. I do enjoy the smaller end of the miniature spectrum for this very fact. You can easily put a few armies together in a short space of time and at a relativity small budget. On wargames vault there is a pwyw home brew called rampant hordes – https://www.wargamevault.com/m/product/224531 that might have some useful additional rules.

    Tally-Ho! Check out my blog at…..

    Avatar photoAlex

    The project is coming a long nicely. I do enjoy the smaller end of the miniature spectrum for this very fact. You can easily put a few armies together in a short space of time and at a relativity small budget. On wargames vault there is a pwyw home brew called rampant hordes – https://www.wargamevault.com/m/product/224531 that might have some useful additional rules.


    very true Ian – for me it’s about storage! The smaller the scale the more gaming experiences I can store!


    thanks for that tip – will be sure to check it out when the hobby fund resets!

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoFred B

    I am really enjoying the progress Alex. I am looking forward to seeing them painted. As someone who just started with minis, and opted for 15mm (also because of storage, but also nostalgia, as I had tiny army men back when I was a kid, which I enjoyed much more than the standard 1/72? ones), 10mm painting kinda scares me 😀

    @Ian: Thanks for sharing the rampart system. I just noticed they are Pay What You Want, so I will be checking them out, as I am always interested in smaller/simpler wargames 🙂

    Avatar photoian pillay

    Fred B. More than welcome.

    Tally-Ho! Check out my blog at…..

    Avatar photoAlex

    I am really enjoying the progress Alex. I am looking forward to seeing them painted. As someone who just started with minis, and opted for 15mm (also because of storage, but also nostalgia, as I had tiny army men back when I was a kid, which I enjoyed much more than the standard 1/72? ones), 10mm painting kinda scares me 😀

    thanks Fred! I find 10mm to be the easiest to paint – enough detail to look good, but not so much to make me fret over hitting every buckle and strap!

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoMike

    I find 10mm to be the easiest to paint – enough detail to look good, but not so much to make me fret over hitting every buckle and strap!

    To my surprise me too.
    When I did 6mm I would paint every detail, when I started 10mm I told myself I would do the same.
    The plan was to paint the obvious colours and then go back and do the belts etc later after a few games.
    I am not sure I will ever go back and fill in those details, I suspect I will spend that time painting new units..

    Avatar photoAlex

    Three feet rule… plus any other bits that catch my eye is my approach 


    and painting more units is definitely more interesting for gaming purposes!

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    I must confess the three foot rule never worked for me, I always like to get down and have a birds eye view next to the models, or just pick them up and look at them.
    My hero models have some actual time and effort spent on them though.

    Avatar photoAlex

    I must confess the three foot rule never worked for me, I always like to get down and have a birds eye view next to the models, or just pick them up and look at them. My hero models have some actual time and effort spent on them though.

    me too – but even from the model’s eye view I’m not seeing his boot laces lol

    of course leaders, characters and centrepieces get more effort though (what I call tabletop plus)

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoAlex

    A couple more units to share today – more specialist/elite than the State Troops!

    First some Flagellants – available from Crom’s Anvil.  These I intend to use as Bellicose Foot – quite possibly with Hatred upgrde:

    12 flagellants
    I’m really pleased with these miniatures – they are absolutely spot-on!

    I’ve also put together a unit of Greatswords – using Pendraken Landsknechte.  These I’ll use as Heavy Foot (Aggressive, Mystical Armour):

    12 greatswords
    I could have used Elite Foot – but I wanted more than a unit of 6! I’m using Mystical Armour to reflect they have heavier armour than most in the army. As for the miniatures, I particularly like the forward-motion of these when compared to the more static State Troops.0

    That’s shaping up to be it for infantry (at least for now as this project is already getting bigger and bigger – 10mm is just so affordable!) – but I’ll have more of this army to share soon.  Maybe one day I’ll even get the bases sand-dipped and everything primed!

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    When do we see a group shot?

    And what will the enemy be?

    Avatar photoAlex

    When I’ve finished prepping everything that’s here and on order I’ll be sure to take a pic!


    I’ve decided on Chaos – specifically Nurgle. It’s been my favourite Chaos god since an old Realm of Chaos Nurgle warband in White Dwarf way back when. I’m going to include humans, beastmen, daemons and chaos dwarfs – all led by a Great Unclean One!  Luckily the plucky Empire will be backed up by some allies in the face of all that (when they arrive!)

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Ah yeah, you did say. I think, sorry.

    Those Magister Militum plaguebearers in the mix?

    Avatar photoAlex

    They’re a nail-on! Think I’m decided on everything I need to get for the project now – just have to wait for more funds a little down the line!  Ah well, not like I don’t have plenty to be getting on with in the meantime!

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoAlex

    Today some artillery in the form of an Organ Gun – which I like to think of as an early Helblaster Volley Gun.  This is again from the Pendraken Landsknechte range and I’ll use it as Heavy Missile (Venomous) most likely:

    an organ gun artillery piece with three crew members
    I’ve got another artillery piece planned, just waiting for it to come!

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoMike

    I do need me some moar guns.
    Must away and read the rules for them…

    With your war wagon, are you keeping the cannon/mortar?

    Avatar photoAlex

    I got the version without so no gun – just dudes riding around taking potshots and stabbing at footsloggers

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks


    What size bases do you use?

    10×10 and variations thereof for infantry?
    Circular bases at 20mm for heroes?

    Cannons, war wagons, dragons and demons?

    Avatar photoAlex

    Ah. What size bases do you use? 10×10 and variations thereof for infantry? Circular bases at 20mm for heroes? Cannons, war wagons, dragons and demons?

    10×10 or 10×20 for Infantry (I tend to do hybrid basing for Rampant rule sets)

    10×20 for Cavalry

    Anything else whatever bases I have to hand that fit OK – Rampants are pretty flexible for basing thankfully!

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoAlex

    Another unit to share today – some Pistoliers from Magister Militum.  I’ll use these as Light Riders (Short Range Missiles):

    6 pistoliers
    And yes, the sand-dip on these means things are progressing towards priming at least!

    Alex (Does Hobby Stuff)
    practising hobby eclecticism

    Avatar photoAngel Barracks

    Anything else whatever bases I have to hand that fit OK – Rampants are pretty flexible for basing thankfully!

    Do they need to be square for bigger units/creatures?

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