Home Forums WWII [Review] Empress Miniatures WW2 Germans

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  • #178404
    Avatar photoSigur Squrrl

    Heyhey, here’s my review of Empress Miniatures’ WW2 Volksgrenadiers range:


    They’re sculpted by Paul Hicks, and to top it all off they’re available on mainland Europe through tabletopper.nl. (I’m in no way affiliated with the shop other than that fact I’m waiting for a delivery from them. The figures reviewed as usual were bought good and proper.)

    Hope you enjoy the review and find it useful!

    Avatar photodeephorse

    They look very good indeed.

    Play is what makes life bearable - Michael Rosen

    Avatar photowillz

    They are very nice indeed.

    Avatar photoSigur Squrrl

    Thanks. Yeah, those are lovely figures. Funny thing is that the more realistic proportions and faces make ye paint them differently. More (over)pronounced facial features tend to make me have fun with them a bit more, while these get more realistic looks. At least that’s me.


    Mr.Hicks is currently working on British Paras to add to that range.

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