Home Forums Ancients Rules – Warfare in the Age of Pericles

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    Avatar photoTony S

    I just spotted these rules in an email from Caliver Books, but they’re available from On Military Matters as well. To wit:


    But that’s besides the point.  I haven’t heard anything about them.  I see Tod Kershner is a co-author, and it has “Age of” in the title, so does it share a family resemblance with his other “Age of” rules?  I would presume so, but then I notice there are cards and markers available, which aren’t necessary for those older rules.

    I’m still looking for a decent set of Hoplite Warfare rules, and was wondering if these might fill the brief.  I wasn’t terribly impressed with Men of Bronze.  I admit it’s a hard period to recreate an interesting game while still trying to preserve that veneer of historicity.

    Anyone heard anything about them?

    Avatar photoBowman Stringer


    Not only am I a measly 8 months late in replying, but I don’t even have a proper response to your question. I haven’t played these rules. To add more disappointment, I’m not that taken by Tod Kershner’s previous “Warfare in the Age of ……” series. But that just may be me.

    On the positive side, Tod’s co-author is Adrian Mandzy. He is the author of the absolutely wonderful “Bad Roads and Poor Rations”. This is a scenario book for the War of 1812, with over 44 battles, large and small, land and sea.

    Ok, so this is only over a 2 and 1/2 millennia difference. Regardless, this makes me more interested in the rules. By the way, I think Men of Bronze is OK, especially at about 40% of the cost of Warfare in the Age of Pericles.   But I agree, traditional Hoplite warfare was a slugfest that may resist being transitioned into compelling tabletop wargaming. Or maybe not.

    Hopefully this bump, 8 months later, may invite an actual answer to your question. I’m always interested in more rules.

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