Home Forums Terrain and Scenery Small brag on terrain finds (1/72 buildings)

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    Avatar photoShaun Travers


    Always on the lookout for things that can become terrain, espescially to go with my 20mm WW2 collection.  Anyway, these two are recent finds.  The first is a Christmas house – $2 from a bargain store.   It does need a repaint, unless I was playing a winter scenario 🙂

    christmas house


    The other is a music jewelry box from a charity shop.  I think this was $2 as well.  I will use this as is.  The added bonus it that the roof is hinged and it has a shelf to put figures on!

    Now all I have to do is find the time and space to play a game 🙂



    Avatar photoMike

    Cool, are you sad like me in that you carry a figure around with you just incase, so you can match it up?

    Avatar photowillz

    Cool, are you sad like me in that you carry a figure around with you just incase, so you can match it up?

    I used to do that  years ago Mike 😀.  As I got older I got good at guessing the correct size.

    Avatar photoDon Glewwe

    “The added bonus it that the roof is hinged…”

    Ahh…this may be an idea worth stealing/exploring.  Where to set the roof/upper floor of a model when accessing the interior during play is a bit of an issue –  dunno…worth a look, anyway.

    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    Hello Mike,

    Like willz, I used to carry around a figure with me just in case I needed to check sizes. But I have been checking for so long, I don’t need the figure anymore.  Not sure that doing it so much and now no longer requiring the figure is sadder or not.  lol.

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