Home Forums Terrain and Scenery Some 20mm Terrain

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    Avatar photoJust Jack


    Well, it’s not often that I go for terrain, but I decided to spend a little time and money. I absolutely needed some 20mm stuff, and then I looked for some other stuff that could be used for at least 15mm and 20mm, maybe even some 10mm. Some of it worked 😉

    This post is a mix of stuff I bought then made myself, and of stuff I bought on the internet (some from Ebay, and some from a fellow TMP member). In any case, it will all see the table pretty soon.

    The whole mess, everything I’ve recently acquired/been working on. We’ve got a couple rocky hills, some rough ground and trees, a fenced in utility shop, and some ‘scatter’-type terrain. To see a bunch more photos, please check the blog at:

    Well, that’s my new terrain, so it’s ready, and the troops are ready. Stand by for action!


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    It looks alot more 15mmish than 20mm…But It looks really good !!! Write some AAR’s I need something new for “The Holidaze ” !!!!

    Avatar photoRod Robertson


    i noticed a conspicuous absence of hills. Are you planning to make any?!?


    Cheers and good gaming.

    Rod Robertson.

    PS. That is nice stuff you have there.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    He has two rocky outcroppings !!!! They could count as hills….

    Avatar photoLagartija Mike

    Pink rocks? It looks like novelty melanoma.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    More tan than pink…but I’ve seen pink rocks in Colorado,Utah,Texas and New Mexico.

    Avatar photoNorm S

    Jack, I tried posting on your blog, but either it hasn’t worked or my comment will appear 10 times 🙂

    Anyway – Nice additions. I think your building scale looks fine.Many gamers choose to use a building scale 1 scale lower than their figure scale, or at least choose buildings that have a smaller footprint than typical of their figure scale. Once everything is on the table, it will look right to your eye.
    From experience, I have struggled with clump foliage, though once done, the results are worth the effort. You need a tacky glue, but in the end, I was using a hot glue gun on the branches and then using the tacky glue as an additional fix to connect the various clumps to each other on the tree. Once done, I mixed some PVA glue in water and use a small cosmetic plastic sprayer to spray it over the trees, to make it ‘set off’. I have also use hairspray to do the same thing (fixative).

    It’s a nice thing to add to the battlefield – that is my next task, to elevate the look.

    Avatar photoJust Jack

    Thanks guys, I appreciate it!


    Norm – I’ll have to look into what’s going on with the comments, and a hot glue gun.  Thanks for the tips.




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