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  • #182733
    Avatar photoJim Webster

    A solo or multiplayer scenario where several forces rush to ‘rescue’ the crew of an air raft forced down in bad terrain.  Some of the forces aren’t supposed to be hostile to some of the other forces. Hopefully it’s something that will keep you amused for a couple of hours 🙂

    The overly portly controller


    Avatar photoTony S

    Again, the background you present is just fascinating.  Unsettling and slightly distasteful, but fascinating nonetheless.

    Yet, despite that, the idea that jumped out for me is just a simple prosaic mechanism on the tabletop.  The fact that personal forcefields get rather hot as they shed the energy absorbed from getting hit.  Begs the question of the ignition temperature of a zombie.  Very few rules cover flammable zombies; a sad oversight.

    I have Hell by Starlight but I can’t remember if those forcefield rules are in there?  Guess I’d better dig them out for a reread.

    Avatar photoJim Webster

    Only slightly distasteful, I must try harder 🙂
    Actually I think that the Cult of the Magus Geneticae would make a fascinating solo campaign, but with the player actually trying to run the cult. 🙂

    It’s sort of ‘on the list’ probably something the size of ‘Hellfire in the City’.

    With regard the flammability of zombies it is an unfortunate oversight on my party, but as far as I can discover, with the possible exception of highly radioactive zombies bursting into flame is not normally a feature.
    I would recommend that in this regard the be treated as ordinary humans, so White Phosphorus, Napalm and similar present difficulties, a overheating forcefield isn’t a problem. Force fields are mentioned in the obscure armours section 🙂


    Avatar photoPatrice


    And I love this “Controller”, it looks like a crossbreed between a Breton biniou – or Scottish bagpipe – musician, and an Azathoth spawn. Superb! Its decibel attack capacity should be devastating! 🙂 🙂


    Avatar photoJim Webster

    Fascinating… And I love this “Controller”, it looks like a crossbreed between a Breton biniou – or Scottish bagpipe – musician, and an Azathoth spawn. Superb! Its decibel attack capacity should be devastating! 🙂 🙂

    Now I missed a trick, the Controller driving on the zombies by playing “Sir B. McKenzie’s Daughter’s Lament for the 77th Mounted Lancers Retreat from the Straits of Loch Knombe, in the Year of Our Lord 1727, on the Occasion of the Announcement of Her Marriage to the Laird of Kinleakie, ” out of tune and in a minor key 🙂


    Avatar photoOotKust

    I respect your work mate but frankly, fantasy leaves me cold… despite having played a bit of D&D in the not so early days… I can’t watch ‘Transformers’ and their ilk either… I know I’m sad.

    As for rescuing any “air raft “, I’ll leave that to you…

    Now back to my aged Panzercorps….

    cheers dave

    Avatar photoJim Webster

    I respect your work mate but frankly, fantasy leaves me cold… despite having played a bit of D&D in the not so early days… I can’t watch ‘Transformers’ and their ilk either… I know I’m sad. As for rescuing any “air raft “, I’ll leave that to you… Now back to my aged Panzercorps…. cheers dave

    It’s interesting that like me, you don’t really draw too thick a line between fantasy and science fiction.

    I must admit I like them because it allows me to play with ideas that are too heretical for normal wargaming 🙂  (and because, more importantly, they can be fun.)
    It can actually be easier to get people to accept things. So, for example, at Budapest, the 18th SS Panzer Division had only 1000 men supported by sixteen tanks and assault guns. This sort of thing was common enough, later on, Panzer Divisions might have no tanks.

    Tell people to attack in a scenario, using such a Panzer Division and they get most agitated 🙂

    Transformers I’ve never watched (wrong generation of children I suspect) but there is a lot of bad fantasy, bad science fiction, and frankly, bad history out there. But it is what it is and the hobby is wide enough to cope with us all 🙂



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