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    Avatar photoVictoria Dickson

    I rebased some Renaissance figures for Pikeman’s Lament, ready for battles somewhere in Europe sometime in the 16th Century. 🙂

    As I’m going to be doing fights between opposing mercenary forces the figures can be used for either side.

    More pictures and how I class each unit on the link.


    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Oh No, more rules that look like fun. Thank the Goddess I have no painted Pike and Shot figures.

    Avatar photoVictoria Dickson

    I’ll hopefully get a game in tomorrow or Wednesday, I’m hoping these rules are as much fun as the Medieval and Colonial ones were.

    I really really really want to do the English Civil War with them, but I suspect I’ll need to modify the rules a bit for them to suit me for that (and buy and paint two forces, which is the main problem  ).   The rules don’t include mixed pike and shot units (no reason why they should as they are meant to be for 1:1 scale skirmishes) and as I’m treating them as if they are at a higher level than skirmish I want to be able to have a body of pikes protecting two wings of shot.  As such they probably work better for me as written for either this earlier period or for later periods when it’s bayonet armed musket and no pike.

    I have some rule ideas, something to work on and dream about while I save for my Parliamentarians and Royalists. 🙂


    Avatar photoOB

    Mike’s Models?  Look forward to seeing them in action.

    Regarding the ECW if you sign up for the QRF Newsletter you get a 10% discount twice a year.  They do have some very nice ECW stuff.


    Avatar photoVictoria Dickson

    I’ve kind of set my heart on the figures from Black Hat, I think the QRF ones are what I would go for if I was doing a large army.  The Black Hat ones (ex Gladiator Games I think?) have a bit more individual character, I have some samples of both I bought a while ago that I’ll paint up and see what they look like before I finally decide.  Thanks for the suggestion. 🙂


    Avatar photoGraham Harrison

    Very nice! Now get gaming, you will find the TPL is every bit as much fun as the other Dan Mersey rules.

    Avatar photoVictoria Dickson

    No sooner said than done. 🙂

    A dawn attack on a sleeping enemy.


    You were right, every bit as much fun. 🙂


    Avatar photoAutodidact-O-Saurus

    A Pyrrhic victory if ever there was one!

    Self taught, persistently behind the times, never up to date. AKA ~ jeff
    More verbosity: http://petiteguerre.blogspot.com/

    Avatar photoGraham Harrison

    An excellent report!

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Very cool thanks, Victoria!

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Turns out I have some old Minifigs Pike and Shot in 15mm, 8 horse 25 shot and 24 pike.  No idea if that is enough for an army, using these rules.


    Avatar photoVictoria Dickson

    You could make an army from it, you’ve got enough for two 12 figure pike units (4 points) and one 6 figure horse unit (4 points), and the shot can be either 12 figure units (4 points) or 6 figure forlorn hope (6 points) or commanded shot units (2 points).  Units can also be made more expensive through upgrades, requiring fewer units to make the standard 24 point army.

    You could also have two cavalry units by making them 4 figures but counting them as 6 for the purpose of taking losses, I don’t see that causing any problems.

    Avatar photokyoteblue

    And now I have both Lion Rampant and Pikeman’s Lament rules to hand. My FLGS had my copy of Lion Rampant that I ordered and a copy of Pikeman’s Lament on the shelf, so I picked up both today. I’ll read through both this week and maybe push some troops around.

    Avatar photoVictoria Dickson

    I hope you enjoy them. 🙂


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