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  • #200477
    Avatar photoMike

    That is a thing for sure.

    Avatar photoPadre

    I like it. Proper low fantasy terror, and rickety and dangerous as hell!

    I got to episode 100! Huzzah. Although, there are loads more videos (and battles) yet to come …

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoMike

    Hills, Forests, Plains, Caves and Cities.
    Armies on the march.
    Men, Undead, Skaven, Dwarfs and Halflings.
    So much cool.

    Congrats on the 100!

    How far behind are the videos from now, and how far is the end from now?

    Avatar photoPadre

    If I had to estimate I would say we were 40 or 50 videos away from where the campaign is right now. But the campaign is ongoing, albeit very slowly, and so the end has yet to be reached.

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoPadre

    Part 101, prequel to a bat rep …

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoMike

    Noice, can’t go wrong with an organ gun.


    Avatar photoPadre

    Special video 7 contains wargaming notes for the campaign in general and the next battle in particular …


    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoMike

    Excellent. I do enjoy the special videos. Good stuff.

    Avatar photoPadre

    First half of a new battle report, part 102 of our Tilean campaign, is up. Seer Lord Urlak’s skaven attempt to take Ravola from Perette and her Brabanzon boys.

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoMike

    Excellent, but Roel Konijnendijk would be saddened by the lack of ditch!!

    17??!! How big is the template?

    Avatar photoPadre

    There are ditches and moats galore coming up later. But yeah, I had to set this up as it had been previously, and there was no ditch!

    Of the two WFB templates, it uses the big one. That’s all I know.

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoPadre

    Just measured my big one (ooerr missus!), it is 5″ in diameter.

    The conclusion to the bat rep, being part 103 of Tilea’s Troubles.

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoMike

    Blimey that is large…

    Eat that ratty bois.
    But what was that at the end..  What is occurring?

    Avatar photoPadre

    What about the end? Perette’s flight with the Brabanzon riders? Or something else?

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoMike

    Having to get on the horse and leave immediately.

    Avatar photoPadre

    Yup! Move it … Now!

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

    Avatar photoMike

    Oh I get it now. For some reason I had lost the plot and thought something else was going on. Long day. I shush now.

    Avatar photoPadre

    Tilea’s Troubles Part 104 is a prequel to a battle report. The battles are coming thick and fast just now, which is a good thing, unless one is a 28mm tall lead soldier, in which case it is a worrying thing!

    My Tilean Campaign can be found at https://bigsmallworlds.com/ and my YouTube channel is www.youtube.com/@bigsmallworlds

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