Home Forums General General [TWW] Explain me this…*

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  • #199950
    Avatar photoOotKust

    Umm, why does ‘New Replies’ take one to the front page of a thread (assuming ‘topics’ of some duration, as many are)?

    Surely, by definition, ‘New’ means the latest/ most recent post? Ergo, these could be in reverse order of indexing, being correct. But this method is currently asymmetrical.

    I know, you can click on the ‘Last Post’ items when actually inside a Forum, that will take you there [and how many month passed till I spotted that !!?].

    And from ‘New Replies’ index you do not know what Forum is referenced, until you get there. [Added to by the obscure ‘teaser’ kind of Subject-titles of the worst kind of journalism click bait!].

    I overcome this by creating, where I care enough and frequent enough, links to my own TWW menu of topics and locations; updating when I add to the ‘On Your Paint Table’ topic f’r instance, so at least I get closer to the end point I seek.

    And ‘Topics Freshness’- well its away up from the ‘New…’ so isn’t conveniently placed. Perhaps if it were duplicated as a bullet point under ‘New..’ then it would get more use.

    Ta, d

    * Living in and working as a volunteer in a mainly immigrant and refugee community you get a lot of pseudo English and dialects that are not always clear. [And yes what I sometimes do is tutoring in ‘English’ [well Newzealanish really]. Whilst I am most respectful with others in person, the cynic in me sometimes comes to the fore and I repeat what I hear… isn’t it!? *

    Avatar photoMike

    Cos Topics With New Replies don’t fit on the space available.

    The reason you don’t go to the most recent reply is:
    A: It is meant to be Topics With New Replies not Latest Reply In Topics With New Replies.
    B: It is meant to take you Topics you may have missed, but are now curious about as it has new replies.  Ooooh what’s the buzz all about.
    C: TWW is an old bird with many quirks.

    Hope that helps.

    Avatar photoMike Headden

    Since you can go to the most recent post by clicking on the last updated time in the header

    This topic has X reply, Y voices, and was last updated H hours, M minutes ago by [Avatar photo] Name.

    I don’t see a real problem.

    There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    First world problems…

    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoOotKust

    Since you can go to the most recent post by clicking on the last updated time in the header

    Which of 40 Forums do you suggest using?? Thats not a solution to the question, ahem…


    First world problems…

    yeah yeah we know, and IT makes life easier… NOT!

    Mike, thanks,


    Avatar photoMartinR

    I only ever use the Recent Replies/Freshness link. I gave up navigating dozens of forums years ago, mainly on another forum bloated yet popular gaming site. I find forum classifications to be the equivalent of trying to “quickly” find something to watch on Netflix, but they apparently work for other people.

    It is the interweb, we all navigate it in different ways.

    "Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" - Helmuth von Moltke

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