Home Forums Air and Sea Naval US & French Frigates Constellation and La Virginie

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    As part of my on going project to fill gaps in my 1:700 Age of Sail collection with specific models for single ship and small squadron scenarios, I have once again turned to the offerings from Turner Miniatures.

    The USS Constellation and the large French 40-gun frigate La Virginie are two such models, and I have put together a post showcasing them and the history that has prompted their inclusion into the collection.

    If you would like to know more then just follow the link to JJ’s




    Avatar photowillz

    Very nice models.



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    Hi Chaps,

    Thank you, glad you like the new additions.




    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Things I never knew about the early US navy!  I also hadn’t heard of that little false war.  Has any reason been given for why the Conny didn’t finish off the Vigilante and just sat there for hours before letting her get away?

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

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    From most of the accounts I’ve read, a common theme is that both vessels were heavily damaged, and needed time for much needed repairs, and when they separated in the dark and lost contact, both commanders seemed content in thinking they had sunk the other.

    Out of  both of Constellation’s actions, I think the one against La Vengeance is the most interesting, with two competitive ships involved with some false colours thrown in, it could make for a very interesting clash, especially given the poor visibility aspects as well,  requiring both parties to get close up and personal to confirm the identity of the other.


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