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    Avatar photoNorm S

    Went to Partizan II today, a marvellous show. I have put a few pics up on the blog and offered usual commentary and observations.

    Here is the link for anyone interested,


    Avatar photoAndrew Beasley

    Thanks for the pics – lots of games that where not at the last show.

    I was forced to attend my own birthday party (pork ramen with udon noodles) rather than go!

    As for your car rant – most folk think they will stop as the car in front will have to slow down as well. They never think of things dashing into the road or coming off the car / lorry ahead – seen both and not very nice…

    Avatar photoPhil Gray


    Just to confirm that the hinge on the 6mm DDay game is fully functional.

    The table is a custom build but I have seen similar set-ups using standard pasting tables, they’re just a bit narrow for this scenario.

    The inserts for potential German defences are removed first, but the rest of the terrain is fixed, so it folds away just fine,

    Sand, not oil, in the gears of the world.

    Avatar photoTony S

    Those are some staggeringly good looking games!  Appreciate you taking the time to post a few photos.  Nice to hear that a variety of figure scales were on display.

    As to your driving experiences – apparently it’s a Canadian thing too.  I find sometimes that cars are so close together on the highway, I can’t actually switch lanes because there’s not enough room in-between the other lane’s cars for mine!  Although, at least in poor winter conditions usually people slow down a bit on the highways.

    That said, back years ago when I used to drive for living, I sometimes welcomed a heavy snowfall, as that seemed to keep most drivers at home.  What does that say – despite horrible driving conditions, it was still easier driving than sunny weather with idiots on the roads!

    Avatar photoNorm S

    Thanks Phil, I have amended the blog text.

    Andrew, Happy Birthday.  re car drivers,  recent experience of me being hit to the rear is proof that the car behind may not get that chance to react.

    Tony, this year was particularly impressive as to the work that gamers had put into their boards. I’m sure one of the vloggers will be putting a video out and that will give true perspective. Perhaps we just need to get to driverless cars faster and just take people out of the loop! 🙂

    Avatar photoIan Marsh

    … pork ramen with udon noodles …

    Worth the sacrifice. Churu churu churu

    Fighting 15s

    Avatar photowillz

    Thanks for sharing Norm.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Those were some really good  looking games.  Did no sci-fi or fantasy games catch your eye, or were there just none?

    I feel you on the driving.  Here, in Texas, if you’re not “flying low” you’re going to get run over. You can also do a magical little thing to control other drivers around you: just turn on your turn signal/blinker and *presto* a car will appear exactly where you wanted to go, instantly filling any space between cars when you want to change lanes!  (back in the day, I thought people fiddling with their radios was the worst distraction on the road, but cellphones have eclipsed that hazard by 1,000,000%)

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoNorm S

    That’ an interesting point, it was Fantasy / Sci-Fi light generally …. But this show used to be on three times a year and the February show was specifically a Fantasy / Sci-Fi show, so if that is the case, it may explain it.

    There was a chap there who did an incredible Star Wars table, with a landscape straight from the movie. I. Have photographed it before in one of my earlier show blog posts – Phalanx I think.

    As for cars, perhaps when the technology is right and cars can both self drive and communicate with each other and be programmed to be law compliant, our journeys might become a bit less fraught. 🙂

    Avatar photoMartinR

    There were several Sci Fi games (including the Rogue One participation game) but Tbh they don’t hold much interest for me. As Norm says, the third show of the year in Newark is Hammerhead, which is very fantasy/Sci fi heavy.

    "Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" - Helmuth von Moltke

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