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  • #201547
    Avatar photoWhirlwind

    Wargaming Campaigns by Henry Hyde is currently £1.99 on Kindle, which might be of interest. I did a review, a while back, if that helps at all.

    Avatar photoNorm S

    Thanks ‘J’. Bought, superb pricing.

    Avatar photoSteve Johnson

    Well that is a steal, but having bought a copy recently via an Amazon voucher, I’m not sure how easy I’d find it to read on Kindle, but then I’m not a Kindle user!

    Avatar photoWhirlwind

    It is a fair point. I tend to read colourful stuff like that on the Kindle App on my computer rather than on the Kindle itself, although IIRC that one worked reasonably well.  Some are more of a struggle – from wargaming, Quarrie’s Napoleon’s Campaigns in Miniature wasn’t that good on the Kindle itself due to how the embedded tables work. Again, works fine on Kindle App though.

    Avatar photoNorm S

    I reckon that to date, my E-Books are saving me some 8 to 9 foot of shelf space. I will read fiction on the Kindle, but for things with maps, illustration and tables, I prefer the Kindle App on the iPad.

    overall, I would always prefer a real book in my hands, but the mix works for me.

    Avatar photoWhirlwind

    Likewise. One for one, I much prefer books to e-books and pdfs (unless I need to quote more than a couple of times from them), but not needing the storage space is even more important.

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