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  • #201064
    Avatar photoMike

    A place to share your work around the fantasy / sci-fi setting you have created.
    From a small village to a whole planet.
    If you are creating a setting and populating it with people and using games to help it develop this is for you.

    Please just make one topic per world/setting, that way it will be easy to follow your progress.

    Avatar photoPunkrabbitt

    I’m Punkrabbitt, and I support this message.

    Please visit my OSR products for sale at



    Avatar photokyoteblue

    I should dust off the Sulatana of Ifat.

    Avatar photoDarkest Star Games

    Now we are talkin’!  I just happen to have 2 (stalled) projects that can use this forum as motivation to get cranking.

    "I saw this in a cartoon once, but I'm pretty sure I can do it..."

    Avatar photoPhil Dutré

    Nice one! Perhaps we should also have a thread for resources and tools w.r.t. world building.

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