Home Forums Sci Fi 6mm Sci-Fi What non scifi figures do you use?

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    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Do any of you adapt historical or fantasy minis to your scifi games in 6mm? If so, what do you got?

    Avatar photoJim Webster

    I started when there weren’t a lot of 6mm sci fi figures about so I tended to use 6mm from Irregular miniatures.  https://www.irregularminiatures.co.uk/indexes/6mmindex.htm

    So I used quite a few from their Vietnam Range


    The figures are lifted from their website because my painting is rubbish

    I got some of their lose order figures (from memory Russians from the Crimea, peaked cap and great coat) which were painted up as police to shepherd rioters off the streets.

    They do have rioters

    Note that a lot of ranges have fascinating mixture of porters and similar. I loved the block of Aztec gun haulers who can be used to drag the big laser cannon into position 🙂





    Avatar photoMr. Average

    I haven’t done this at 6mm scale, but at 3mm scale I used Modern NATO troops as stand ins for US Colonial Marines.

    Avatar photoMike

    I used some Irregular Miniatures 6mm historicals as sci-fi.
    Amazing what bright orange or hi-vis yellow can do to a model to alter peoples perceptions of it.

    Avatar photoThuseld

    I use mostly sci fi although I have a handful of Heroics and Ros figures that I bought by accident. I think they are meant to be vaguely eastern bloc troops, there is definitely one armed with and RPG.

    However for absolutely ages my eternal shopping list has consisted of the following:

    Baccus Confederate skirmishers and dismounted cavalry wearing cowboy hats for the Firefly/Serenity aesthetic. Also Boers. Maybe I will finally pull the trigger.

    That being said, Brigade Models have a pretty good range of armed civilians and generic looking infantry.


    Avatar photoJim Webster

    I used some Irregular Miniatures 6mm historicals as sci-fi. Amazing what bright orange or hi-vis yellow can do to a model to alter peoples perceptions of it.


    The art of the paint conversion 🙂
    Works really well with 6mm


    Avatar photoSane Max

    Works really well with 6mm

    Hell, I bulked out my 15mm Soviets with some painted Americans for an urgent game, and then forgot I had done so. They were in there for years before I noticed, and no one else had.

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