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    Avatar photoMike

    Assuming you play more than one system, what is your main thang?
    Or your current thang?

    For me, Warhammer Fantasy Battle: 3rd edition but with 10/12mm models rather than 25mm.

    Avatar photoGeneral Slade

    Of late it has mainly been Chain of Command but we haven’t managed to get together for a game for a while.  So in the meantime I have been playing ridiculous amounts of Baldur’s Gate 3.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    At the moment, I’ve been playing a lot more Warmaster, but I came to the realization that since I based on 10×20 strips for my 3mm scale figures, and they’re magnetized, I can put them on 20mm square “shoes” made of metal and play Fantastic Battles with no modification, as well! Double the game playery.

    I’ve also been planning, but not yet playing, 3mm scale MicroCosmic, the in-house rule set Vanguard is apparently developing.  It’s a nice, tight little system and I’m trying to do two forces to play – Duchy of Crescente and… someone else. Not decided yet.

    Avatar photoMike Headden

    Gangs of Rome with unpainted figures blu-tacked onto MDF bases with cardboard boxes for building right now.

    Give it a week/day/hour it will be something else, no doubt.

    There are 100 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who can work from incomplete data

    Avatar photoWhirlwind

    That’s a real toss-up between playtesting some WW2 rules and Polemos: Ruse de Guerre, both with 6mm stuff.

    Avatar photomadman

    A goodly amount of Ambush Alley (15mm modern skirmish which was re-implemented as Force on Force) and 6mm WWI air combat using Canvas Eagles.

    Avatar photoPunkrabbitt

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    Avatar photoOlaf Meys

    Bolt Action

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    Avatar photoChris Pringle

    At risk of sounding like a broken record – “Bloody Big BATTLES!” (BBB).

    I’m sure there are folks on TWW who are heartily bored of me reporting on BBB games. (Sorry, guys.) But there’s a reason why it has been the main diet for me and a growing crowd at OWS and beyond for 15 years. We always do historical battles, so the games have infinite variety and each one is a unique tactical challenge. (There are 100s of scenarios available now.) The combination of quick and simple rules with a tight scenario structure and history-based victory conditions means it is easy to play, the rules don’t get in the way of plans and tactics, and it appeals to all sorts of gamers. Whether you’re there for the competitive challenge, the historical spectacle, or just because you enjoy a good cavalry charge – our group includes all these players.

    If you like the sound of this and can get to Daventry this Sunday, we’ll do our best to fit you in!

    Please excuse the sermon. I just want to share the love for gaming big 19th-century battles.

    Avatar photoA man without minis

    Five Klicks from the Zone. Played 3 campaign turns so far.

    Avatar photoRoger Calderbank

    Like others, not just one thing. Mostly:

    Lasalle 2 (Napoleonic)
    King of the Battlefield (7YW)
    To the Strongest! (Ancients/Mediaevals)

    Plus maybe half a dozen others played once or twice in the last few months.


    Avatar photoNorm S

    My time is torn between boardgames and figures, so

    for boardgames, I have been doing Worthington Publishing ACW brigade Battles series.

    for figures, I am painting Napoleonics and pushing units around with my own rules. Also brushing up on Hail Caesar (Warlord Games) for my next Wars of the Roses game.

    Reading – Blitzkrieg, Battle of France 19940 by Lloyd Clark.

    Avatar photoSane Max

    The curse of my Wargames life is that I never have a thing, so I never play the same game consistently enough to learn the rules properly in the way I used to when I was a Warhammer Fantasy player.

    Currently playing these things

    – most of the ‘Rampant’ sets, especially ‘Dragon’ and ‘Xenos’
    – ‘Hail Caesar’
    – ‘Black Powder’
    – Neil Thomas 19th century (an outstanding set)
    – Neil Thomas Ancient & Mediaeval (nice enough)
    – Never Mind the Billhooks

    Playing a game of Neil Thomas A&MW with Wars of the Roses on Thursday, double-sized.

    Avatar photobobm

    Until very recently been extensively play-testing a late 17th early 18th ruleset.  Once we got them ship shape instantly put the stuff away and started painting 15/18mm ACW Union (again)…so making plans for using these.

    Played a fair few boardgames…but these are rarely wargames although Colt Express does have guns (and I highly recommend it!)

    There's 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary and those who don't.....

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Im going to take that as “most games played in the system” so that would look like:

    Crossfire, Warhammer 40.000 2nd edition, Stargrunt 2.

    Lately been getting into Arc of Fire so that may join the list, though I also have Disposable Heroes lined up which looks pretty promising.

    For ww1, Ive never found the game that quite nails everything for me and Id like that to end up being my primary period.

    For RPGs, its anything BRP based in English or Swedish (Drakar och Demoner, Runequest, Hjältarnas Tid, Pendragon etc.). Though the next campaign is looking like GURPS.

    Board wargames, the most played would be Twilight Struggle I think but my “jam” is WW1 grand strategy. Imperial Tide and The Lamps are Going Out being favourites.


    Art de La Guerre, Fistful of Lead (Big Battle and skirmish:  horse and musket, gothic horror, pulp/sci-fi), Blucher, Lasalle, War Galley, Tales of Blades and Heroes. Arkham Horror: TCG with the wife.

    Mick Hayman
    Margate and New Orleans

    Avatar photoChris Pringle

    Lately been getting into Arc of Fire so that may join the list.

    As the co-author of AOF – so happy to hear that people are still getting into it after all these years! What games have you been doing with it?

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Lately been getting into Arc of Fire so that may join the list.

    As the co-author of AOF – so happy to hear that people are still getting into it after all these years! What games have you been doing with it?

    Oh shoot! Yeah, your game rocks. I was pleasantly surprised that even calling artillery is pretty easy to figure out, which is usually where “realistic” games get bogged down.

    My brother in law is getting into miniatures (since he builds 1/72 scale model kits already) so we have been doing some East Front WW2 and I am planning to run a narrative campaign for him, where he’s going to try to survive during Barbarossa.
    I may try it out for some proper trench fighting in the future.

    Avatar photoChris Pringle

    Lately been getting into Arc of Fire so that may join the list.

    As the co-author of AOF – so happy to hear that people are still getting into it after all these years! What games have you been doing with it?

    Oh shoot! Yeah, your game rocks. I was pleasantly surprised that even calling artillery is pretty easy to figure out, which is usually where “realistic” games get bogged down. My brother in law is getting into miniatures (since he builds 1/72 scale model kits already) so we have been doing some East Front WW2 and I am planning to run a narrative campaign for him, where he’s going to try to survive during Barbarossa. I may try it out for some proper trench fighting in the future.

    Awesome! I hope you and your b-i-l have a great time. Also, if you aren’t already doing so, I recommend you try Scott’s SkirmishCampaigns scenario books – lots of clever (historical) situations and tight contests.


    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    I’ve seen a couple of them yeah, but I need to buy a bunch. The way Skirmish Campaigns is structured suddenly made sense once I read Arc of Fire 🙂

    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    My main thing seems to be my own fast play ancient rules – 15mm figures on a small table.  I have been playing variants of these rules for 12 years now.   But I am currently playing some 20mm ww2 and some SF skirmish (both also my own rules).

    Avatar photoThomaston

    My current obsession is Deathzap’s Tiny Wars.

    It’s so simple its hard not to like.

    And I even found it through this forum.

    Tiny Wars – Fantasy Skirmish The Rules

    Avatar photoMartinR

    I’m still mainly playing around with my latest iteration of my 15mm WW2 Brigade level hex based rules for f2f and remote play. I almost put on an ACW game, but instead we found ourselves on the Eastern Front in 1943. Oops.

    Solo wise I’ve been doing a 6mm sort of Meta Panzerblitz on 1km hexes which let’s me refight all my favourite scenarios, but with company, not platoon elements.  But having recently painted a load of Persians, I just played Granicus, Issus and Gaugamela. Alexander won.

    I’m putting a game on at Partisan on Sunday though, so needed to focus on that this week. 54mm WW2, Five Minute Bulge. Come along and play, the entire Battle of the Bulge in 5 Minutes.

    As you can tell, I don’t really have a Main Thang.



    "Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" - Helmuth von Moltke

    Avatar photogreg954

    For me, Gaslands. Hopefully I should be organising my first game soon. For my 28mm fantasy, probably be Dungeon Scum or Dragon Slayers. However, that Deathzaps Tiny Wars, which Tomaston has posted above looks interesting.

    Avatar photoMcKinstry

    At the moment – Age of Sail in 1/3000 using ‘Follow the Admiral’s Wake’

    WW2 naval 1/4800 using General Quarters 3 on the table and the Halsey           operational rules from ‘Nimitz’

    Ancients and Samurai using 6mm Baccus and ‘Command & Colors’ rules

    Starting a few others such as 1/285 ‘Rommel’ and maybe Warlord’s Epic ‘Pike and Shot’ although the club isn’t fully locked in.

    I am starting WW1 1/4800 and Angle-Dutch 1/4800 using the League of Augsburg rules and figures. Just for myself and a friend.

    The tree of Life is self pruning.

    Avatar photoGraham Harrison

    I am a bit of a wargaming butterfly, I’ve been getting at least 4 games per month in this year so far. I have been playing a lot of skirmish-sized games of late.

    A lot of Sellswords and Spellslingers,  over the last two months I have finished two different long-running campaigns.

    Quite a bit of Mutants and Death Ray Guns and I am starting a new campaign withe one of the Sellswords groups in the next couple of weeks.

    Over the past few weeks I have played most of a mini-campaign with When Nightmares Come, since the rules were released in April.

    I have not played many larger scale games this year, just a WW” Chain of Command game and an ancients game with To The Strongest. But I have almost finished the first two armies in 12mm for The Great Northern War, so I envisage getting some games in with then soon.

    Avatar photoThuseld

    Right now I am powering through some Five Parsecs from Home. Pausing to paint up the next opponent and some other random figures. Unfortunately I just ordered a non-optimal type of base which I need to figure out. I thought I had gotten it correct.

    I have also ordered Battlegroup Westwall and will be putting a game of that on for my brothers as we go on holiday together in July.

    The other day I dusted off my copy of Horizon Wars with an eye to having a game of that soon.

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    Horizon Wars would it? You’re truly a man of class and distinction! I recommend looking at the updated version as well. It’s a somewhat different game but definitely more mature in its mechanics, and I like both versions a whole lot, they see a lot of play at our club!

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    Nobleknight had a sale so I picked up Storm of Steel by Decision Games (I think a 1st edition, Im not sure) and The landing: Gallipoli 1915 which seems to be a neat little dice game.

    Avatar photoAlan Hamilton

    At our regular Monday games – Morval Earth campaign with our own rules.

    With grandchildren – Dedburgh (Zombies) – modified Akula’s Rules, Hobbit

    With son – Spectre Ops, Delta Zone (our Zona Alfa setting), Britannia (our Roman, Briton, Pict games with our own rules), Bolt Action and about to start Cohors Cthulhu

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