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    Avatar photoirishserb

    Which rules do you use for Cold War Games?

    Avatar photoShahbahraz

    Cold War Commander… usually in 6mm,  in Africa, AK47.  I have a copy of Team Yankee, and also Force on Force, but haven’t played the latter two. A quick read through of TY suggested it might be a bit comic book for my tastes, and FoF seems to be primarily designed for post 1980s Asymmetric combat rather than Cold War (I do have their Cold War supplement, which looks not too bad admittedly).

    In addition, for the scale of FoF, I would prefer to use an updated version of Chain of Command, rather than get funky with different dice in FoF,

    --An occasional wargames blog: http://aleadodyssey.blogspot.co.uk/ --

    Avatar photoGeoffQRF

    CWC and Force on Force. Also got Sabre Squadron

    I do CWC in 6mm and 15mm depending on the engagement size, and FoF in 15mm.

    QRF Models Limited

    Avatar photoMr. Average

    My go-tos are FFOT3 and Cold War Commander, both at 3mm scale.

    Avatar photoRussell Phillips

    I’m a fan of simplicity, so I use the Pz8 rules. They’re split into 1950-1975 and 1975-2010, but the differences are minor.

    Both Cold War sets are included in this PDF:

    Military history author
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    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    I play at small levels, so my own No End in Sight or Crossfire, depending on whether we want individual soldiers or squads.

    If I finally do move into bigger tank battles with lots of figures, right now my choice would be FFT3 but that’s subject to change.

    Avatar photoRussell Phillips

    If I finally do move into bigger tank battles with lots of figures, right now my choice would be FFT3 but that’s subject to change.

    These things are always subject to change. I used to like complex rules, largely because I equated complexity to realism. Nowadays I’m much more partial to simpler rules.

    Military history author
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    Avatar photokyoteblue

    Team Yankee…yeah I know.

    Avatar photoShaun Travers

    The few games of Cold War I have played I used Tank Wreck! and I enjoyed that.  If I played some more, I am tempted to use WRG 1950-1985. I did use the latter for some Cold War games back in 1981-82.

    Avatar photoDarryl Smith

    Force on Force, FNG (Vietnam was during the Cold War, yes?), and Combined Arms.

    Buckeye Six Actual

    Avatar photoMartinR

    In recent years I’ve settled on NATO Brigade Commander with a number of things borrowed from MSH and some mods of my own. For commercial sets, either 5Core Brigade Commander or Modern Spearhead.

    I’m currently playing around with the Memoir 82 variant for Memoir 44.

    "Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" - Helmuth von Moltke

    Avatar photoRussell Phillips

    Memoir 82 sounds interesting. Where would I find it?

    Military history author
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    Avatar photoian pillay

    Wessex Games – Cold War 1983 is a cracking little skirmish game. I just downloaded it, along side Scud Busters II. Both have a similar game ‘engine’ using a system called ‘bottle’. Looking forward to trying them out in the new year.

    Tally-Ho! Check out my blog at…..

    Avatar photoJonathan Ellison

    Fistful of Tow 3 for multiple brigade/regiment level games, in 6mm.


    Avatar photoMartinR

    Memoir 82 sounds interesting. Where would I find it?

    There are a couple of articles on Boardgame Geek. You sort of have to extrapolate from the text. I haven’t built the custom card deck yet, as I’m only just happy with my Memoir 44 custom deck (built around the Breakthrough deck).

    "Mistakes in the initial deployment cannot be rectified" - Helmuth von Moltke

    Avatar photoDM

    WRG 1950-1985. They may be a bit dated but we played then all the time in the school wargames club back in the 80s and they are just as much fun now 🙂

    Avatar photoDave Whitehouse

    I go along with David. I have tried LOTS of modern rules. I worked on Challenger years ago, also on TankWreck. Played a lot of Modern Spearhead, at a higher level but always went back to WRG to play 1:1 scale games. If you stick to early to mid 80’s they are fine.

    Whatever you use enjoy!


    Avatar photoRussell Phillips

    We used to use WRG 1950-1985 at my old club. I bought a copy of the newer set (1950-2000 I think), but couldn’t get through them.

    I should dig out my old copy of WRG. Those games were always fun.

    Military history author
    Website : Mastodon : Facebook

    Avatar photoRussell Phillips

    There are a couple of articles on Boardgame Geek.

    I’ll have to look them up. Thanks 🙂

    Military history author
    Website : Mastodon : Facebook

    Avatar photoNot Connard Sage

    I agree with the two Daves. 🙂



    Obvious contrarian and passive aggressive old prat, who is taken far too seriously by some and not seriously enough by others.

    Avatar photoIvan Sorensen

    WRG is pretty fun.

    When we played, the kid didn’t like that within a certain range, a hit is always a kill (depending on gun vs armor) so we introduced a “luck” roll, making a “sure kill” at a given range into a 2+ to kill instead.

    Avatar photojeffers

    I use a modified version of FUBAR for my 20mm stuff. Now I don’t bother going to clubs and I have no room to play at home, so suspect it may all go on eBay next year!

    More nonsense on my blog: http://battle77.blogspot.com/

    Avatar photoBrian Handley

    We use ours



    Of course :-).

    You can make your own specs or buy army lists.

    WARNING this is for players.  You need to turn the turrets of the tanks (just like the real thing)!   I add this warning as some folk are alergic to that level of realism, despite it make the rules better and less complex.

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